Dear SPoT developers,
I am writing to you to ask you a question about the semantics of PSL and SPoT. I will
start by explaining my problem.
I am interested in computing the automata associated to a Linear Dynamic Theory under
Linear Dynamic Logic semantics. The semantics can be found in the following paper:
Although the semantics are interpreted on finite traces I would be interested in using
infinite traces. I found out that SPoT allows expressing PDL regular expressions on linear
(infinite) traces, which is what I was looking for.
However, after checking the specification language, I found that the dynamic operators are
not "exactly" the same as those of Linear Dynamic Logic. I mean, I was
expecting to write [(true;true)*] p instead of {(1;1)[*]}[]->p to represent the
even-state problem. My questions are the followings:
1) Do they allow to express the same properties ? and
2) How faisable is to accomodate the parser to accept the PDL syntax ? Could you give me
some hints on this case ?
Kind regards,