Hi David,
David Müller <david.mueller2(a)tu-dresden.de> writes:
I hope you are not affected too badly by COVID and you
and your family can deal
with it in a good way.
Thank you for distracting me from what currently occupies most of my
time: editing videos for online courses. I hope you have more fun.
Simon and I stumbled over some slight problems with
ltlfilt in combination with
the flags -u and --relabel-bool=pnn. We expected to remove the duplicates, and
thus being idempotent.
There are a few peculiarities about the way Spot stores LTL formulas:
- a global unicity table is used so that all syntactically identical
subformulas are shared
- to maximize sharing, and also help some algorithms recognize that
(a & b & c) and (c & a & b) are really the same formulas, the
operands of the n-aray opertors "&" and "|" are always
- the order used ensures that all Boolean subformulas appear before
non-boolean subformulas (this helps in several places), and amongst
Boolean subformulas, literals come first.
- Literal are ordered using strverscmp() [1]
literals, because that usually makes more sense for humans
% ltlfilt -f 'p10 & !b & a & p8'
a & !b & p8 & p10
- Other sub-formulas are ordered by their creation date,
i.e., the order in which they were introduced in the
global unicity table. This is often the order in which
the sub-formulas where parsed, but if you are loading
a batch of formulas from files, the order computed
for a formula depends on all the formulas that have been
stored before...
The following two commands:
% ltlfilt -f 'Xa' -f 'Xb' -f 'Xa & Xb'
Xa & Xb
% ltlfilt -f 'Xb' -f 'Xa' -f 'Xa & Xb'
Xa & Xb
do not show any output difference on the last formula,
because Xb and Xa have been removed from the unicity table
by the time Xa & Xb is processed.
However -u will cause Xb and Xa to be remembered (and in that
order), so
% ltlfilt -f 'Xb' -f 'Xa' -f 'Xb & Xa' -u
Xb & Xa <- swapped !
- Now, --relabel-bool in conjunction with -u can be subject to
ordering issues as well. Let's relabel twice the same formula:
% ltlfilt --relabel-bool -f 'G!a & Fb' -f 'G!a & Fb' -u
Fb & Ga
Fa & Gb
The first time the formula 'G!a & Fb' is parsed, it is read
as 'G!a & Fb'. Relabeling causes sub-formula G!a to be
replaced by a new formula Ga, and since Ga has been created
after Fb, the final formula is ordered as 'Fb & Ga', and stored
as such. The subformulas '!a', 'G!a', and 'G!a & Fb' not
used in
this result are then forgotten.
Then the second formula 'G!a & Fb' is parsed. G!a does not
correspond to an existing formula, so it is created again. Fb
correspond to an existing formula and is reused. Since Fb is
older than G!a, the parsed formula is 'Fb & G!a'. Relabeling
is done from left to right... so we get 'Fa & Gb'.
In this case, just filtering duplicates in a final "| ltlfilt -u"
separate from the renaming would help, since that would prevent
the relabeled formula to say in and influence how to next
formula is parsed.
However that won't make the combination of "--relabel-bool then
--unique" idempotent, because the --unique pass might still
cause some reordering that improve the next pass by luck.
% cat in
Ga | Gb
Ga | Fb
Fa | Gb
% ltlfilt --relabel-bool in | ltlfilt -u
Ga | Gb
Ga | Fb
Gb | Fa <- swapped (Gb is older than Fa)
% ltlfilt --relabel-bool in | ltlfilt -u | \
ltlfilt --relabel-bool | ltlfilt -u
Ga | Gb
Ga | Fb
I guess one way to fix that would be to implement -u with a set of
formulas stored as strings instead of pointer to shared formulas. This
way the unicity table would get freed between each formula, causing no
reordering. The drawback is that ltlfilt -f 'Xa & Xb' -f 'Xb &
Xa' -u
would no longer output a single formula. Besides, such a string-based
implementation is already available by replacing 'ltlfilt -u' by 'uniq'.
So I guess that's one answer to you:
ltlfilt --relabel-bool | uniq
should be idempotent. However chaining multiple occurrences of
ltlfilt --relabel-bool -u could reduce your set further since they
may be lucky to try different orders.