Hi Vincenzo,
(Sorry for the delay, I just found your email in the middle
of hundreds of spams that were waiting to be moderated...)
Vincenzo Tramo <vv.tramo(a)gmail.com> writes:
When attempting to translate an LTL formula into a
Büchi automaton
with the following inputs, the function does not terminate:
alive & sing & (alive U G!alive) & G(!alive | last | (sing <-> X
(alive & !sing))) & F(alive & last & sing) & (p0 R (!alive | (p0
& !
sing) | ((p1 R (!alive | p3 | (p1 & !sing))) & F(alive & p1 & p3))))
& (p4 U (alive & p5 & (p4 | sing))) & (Xp0 U (alive & (p3 R (!alive
(p3 & !sing) | (p4 U (alive & (p4 | sing) & (p2 | (p2 U (alive & (p2
| sing) & (p3 R (!alive | p10 | (p3 & !sing)))))))) | G(!alive |
p4))) & (sing | Xp0)))
The above looks like an LTL formula generated from LTLf, so a
deterministic BA will always exist for that. Building this DBA is
reasonably fast:
% ltl2tgba -D -F input1.ltl --stats="%s st., %e ed., %r sec."
381 st., 7269 ed., 0.67422 sec.
If I drop option -D, it becomes slow because Spot will try to simplify
the non-deterministic Büchi automaton using simulation-based reductions.
I've found that if we activate only direct-simulation, the translation is
% ltl2tgba -x simul=1 -F input1.ltl --stats="%s st., %e ed., %r sec."
395 st., 6290 ed., 0.601192 sec.
However, the reverse simulation is very slow: with ~390 equivalence
classes and some state having a up to 250 incoming edges, building the
BDD signature of some of these states is very expensive, and BuDDy spends
a lot of time running its garbage collector and allocating more memory.
At this point, it's not clear to me how we could improve that.
Switching to the matrix-based implementation of simulation-based
reduction was successful too, but the size reduction is inferior:
% ltl2tgba -x simul-method=2 -F input1.ltl --stats="%s st., %e ed., %r sec."
420 st., 6356 ed., 1.2033 sec.
I've created an issue to track any progress on that
That second formula has 80 atomic propositions and looks highly random
to me. Since we are dealing with algorithms that have 2^AP worst cases,
do we have any to reason to believe it show be translated efficiently?