Hi Alexandre,
Thank you for your explanations.
If I understand correctly the relabeling, it does not match what I want.
Let me give a visual example from GOAL.
1. Original BA with two AP `p` and `q`.

After applying the alphabet abstraction `a=>p\/q` GOAL computes:
My particular use case is the following: I have a Kripke structure with APs saying "Process 1 is in the critical section" "Process 2 is in the critical section" ...
It happens that I don't care exactly which process is in the critical section and so I want to abstract all the previous APs into one AP saying "some process is in the critical section".
I think I achieve this by using the abstraction of GOAL as shown in the example.
At the moment I don't see how the relabelling you showed could be used to achieve the same result with SPOT.
Is there a way?
Thank you,