Thanks Alexandre!
I get a similar problem with this formula:
(F(({("a1") ##[1:$i] ("a2") ##[1:$i] ("a3")}!)))
This formula doesn't suffer from explosion of states in the produced automata.
i = 10 --> 22 states
i = 11 -> 24 states
and in general --> number of states = (i * 2) + 2
However, my run still get stuck when I try to set higher value for i (such as 30).
Is it because the non-determinism introduced by ##[1:i]? Is there something to do about
-----Original Message-----
From: Alexandre Duret-Lutz <adl(a)>
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2021 3:19 PM
To: Roei Nahum <roeina(a)>
Cc: spot(a); Yael Meller <yael(a)>
Subject: Re: Assistance with Spot
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Roei Nahum <roeina(a)> writes:
Spot works very well on few examples I checked, but
having a hard time
with the following formula, in which it runs for a very long time
without finishing:
(!G(!({{a ##[1:500] b} ##[1:500] c})))
Can you please help me understand why? Is there anything I can
configure differently in order to help it to be converged?
Hi Roei,
##[1:i] introduces a lot of non-determinism, and !{...} requires a deterministic automaton
to complement it, so the construction is blowing up rapidly. Setting i=500 seems hopeless
given the following trend:
% for i in `seq 1 15`; do
ltl2tgba -x wdba-minimize=0 --low -B \
"(\!G(\!({{a ##[1:$i] b} ##[1:$i] c})))" \
--stats="i=$i gives %s states in %r seconds"
i=1 gives 4 states in 0.000520668 seconds
i=2 gives 7 states in 0.000590509 seconds
i=3 gives 13 states in 0.0018721 seconds
i=4 gives 25 states in 0.00321669 seconds
i=5 gives 49 states in 0.00543848 seconds
i=6 gives 97 states in 0.0105915 seconds
i=7 gives 193 states in 0.0207409 seconds
i=8 gives 385 states in 0.0410949 seconds
i=9 gives 769 states in 0.113351 seconds
i=10 gives 1537 states in 0.307374 seconds
i=11 gives 3073 states in 1.10505 seconds
i=12 gives 6145 states in 3.69696 seconds
i=13 gives 12289 states in 10.1515 seconds
i=14 gives 24577 states in 54.9003 seconds
i=15 gives 49153 states in 310.364 seconds
I do not know what could be done here.