Thank you for writing back. I am doing exactly like this. I append cycle{!alive} to my
finite word before parsing it to an automaton. but I don't know what should be the
length of my prefix i.e. how many steps it should have. I guess its more of a theoretical
question, so can you direct me to some source where I can read on this.
For example, if I have a one state automaton my prefix would have only one step e.g.
a&b and for two state automaton it may have two steps like this a&b ; a&!b. Is
there any method that I can calculate the number of steps.
Thanks and Regards,
Hashim Ali
Research Assistant
Laboratory for Cyber-Physical Networks and Systems (Cyphynets)
Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)
From: Alexandre Duret-Lutz <adl(a)lrde.epita.fr>
Sent: 26 March 2019 20:33
To: hashim ali
Cc: spot(a)lrde.epita.fr
Subject: Re: [Spot] Generate Words for verification
Hi Hashim
On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 1:25 PM hashim ali <hashim_ali94(a)outlook.com> wrote:
I am using
to translate LTL rules into a finite automata (with alive property).
Now I want to verify certain words that whether they are accepted by the automata or not.
Because of from_ltlf(). I believe you are talking about finite words.
These words will be generated from a powerset of the
set of atomic propositions.
Lets suppose I have AP = {a,b,c,d}. How do I generate words from the powerset of AP and
verify it on the automata.
I do not understand what this means.
Should the word always contain a cycle and a prefix
Spot only deals with infinite words that are lasso-shaped. [*]
The cycle part is mandatory, the prefix is not.
If you want to compare some finite words against Büchi automata
generated from the output of from_ltlf(), you should convert your
finite words to use the same convention as in the output of
from_ltlf(): put your finite words as a prefix where "alive" should
also always hold, and add a cycle with !"alive".
E.g. over AP={a,b}, the finite word a&b;a&!b would be encoded as the
infinite word a&b&alive;a&!b&alive;cycle{!alive}.
[*] In fact, because the twa_word object is labeled by Boolean
formulas (and not just conjunctions of litterals), it can actually
represent more than one word; it's more like a set of words with the
same shape. Or a restriction of an automaton to some lasso shape if
you prefer.