On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 2:52 PM Alexandre Duret-Lutz <adl(a)lrde.epita.fr> wrote:
Michaël Cadilhac <michael(a)cadilhac.name> writes:
I guess my question is: If you had to go from
scratch today, which BDD
library would you use?
I'd consider either CUDD or Sylvan.
That's super instructive, thanks! I'm not familiar with ZDDs, I'll
have a look into that too.
CUDD seems to have been unmaintained for quite some time now, and
having parallelism nearly for free with Sylvan is appealing. As far
as I can (quickly) see, Sylvan is also global-variable-heavy—I can't
really understand how that's still a thing in this day and age…!
I could try to supervise a savvy undergrad or an early grad student on
moving Spot to CUDD or Sylvan; I'll let you know if I find a student.