Dear Team,
I am conducting an experiment to determine the performance/capacity of atomic propositions that SPOT can handle when an intersecting run is requested from a Buchi automaton and an LTL formula.
The experiment uses standard SPOT functionality: The command line utility 'Randaut' and 'RandLtl'.
Finally, I have been able to obtain the desired output and have no obstacles anymore.
However, during the setup of the experiment, I observed that at least two random generated formulas resulted in an error:
There is no specific use for the specific formulas, so I removed those from the experiment. I successfully ran the remaining batches.
annoying part: It was not immediately obvious that my program actually froze
due to a 'questionable' formula instead
of doing some heavy lifiting on huge automatons. resulting in some useless waiting time.
I am not aware if there is a way to determine upfront whether there such a formula will exist in a set.
I did not investigate if the likelihood can be reduced by manipulating a
specific operator priority (option of randltl). There are too few formulas that exbibit this
Are such formulas a natural aspect of LTL of is this maybe a bug?
Is it an option to avoid or reduce the likelihood of occurrence of such formulas in RandLTL? (making it less random :-) )
The affected formulas were:
Kind regards
Carlo Sengers
Master Student Software Engineering