Dear Spot Team,
I'm a master's student at Technical University of Munich and I'm currently
writing my Master's Thesis in the research field of path planning for autonomous
I came across Spot on the internet and I think it's a very nice tool that fits exactly
my needs: I've got a discrete finite automaton (with certain attributes/APs per node)
and I want to check, if this automaton satisfies a certain LTL specification. Especially,
my intention is to find all path in my automaton, that satisfy a LTL specification.
I've already installed Spot on my computer and tried to implement this with Python.
Now I've got the following two questions:
1. What is the most simple and fastest way of defining a spot kripke graph, based on my
own automaton (which is basically just a dictionary with nodes, that hold certain
attributes and parent/child relations) ? Is there a possibility of including my nodes and
transitions step by step into a spot kripke graph or do I have to convert my automaton at
first into e.g. the HOA format and afterwards import this HOA-string as a kripke graph?
2. Building the product of a LTL formula (resp. the Büchi automaton) with the kripke graph
leads to a object of the class twa_product. Is there a possibility of transforming this
product back into a kripke structure or exporting it as a simple dictionary, so that I can
make further computations on this "reduced" graph?
I hope you can help me with my questions and maybe provide some simple code examples.
Thank you very much in advance!
Yours sincerely,
Patrick Halder