I am using Spot for my Master Thesis.
I try to simplify omega-automata by removing unnecessary states, e.g.
states that are unreachable. The function "purge_dead_states()" does the
job but there is an issue: for my application, I need to know the
original state numbers of the states in the resulting (smaller)
automaton, i.e. I need to map the states of the resulting automaton to
the states of the original automaton.
Is there some way to get the original state numbers from the reduced
automaton? My intuition is that the property "original-states" would be
suitable to store the original state numbers but the function
"purge_dead_states()" does not set this property.
In my opinion, the function "purge_dead_states()" setting the property
"original-states" would be a useful feature to be included in future
releases of Spot.
Best regards,