I am indeed running ltlsynt via syfco exactly as you mention. The 0 at the end of
iimc's output does mean SUCCESS (1 means failure).
I seem to have pointed out the wrong benchmark, sorry for that. The one for which model
checking fails for me is prioritized_arbiter_enc_2.tlsf. It should be available from the
same repository I linked earlier. The output I get from ltlsynt algo=lar is attached.
Let me know if you need more information,
PS: Thanks a million for reminding me about the licenses! I will start uploading them
On 18/06/2019, 12:01, "Alexandre Duret-Lutz" <adl(a)lrde.epita.fr> wrote:
On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 8:41 PM Guillermo Alberto Perez
<GuillermoAlberto.Perez(a)uantwerpen.be> wrote:
While running tests for SYNTCOMP 2019 we found that ltlsynt outputs an incorrect
controller on one of our benchmarks:
simple_arbiter_enc_2.tlsf (available from
I am calling the tool with --aiger --algo=lar and using iimc as our model checker.
Hi Guillermo,
Can you help me reproduce this? I'm unfamiliar with iimc and the
process of checking the aiger output.
So far I assume you do
% IN=$(syfco simple_arbiter_enc_2.tlsf -ins)
% OUT=$(syfco simple_arbiter_enc_2.tlsf -outs)
% LTL=$(syfco simple_arbiter_enc_2.tlsf -f ltlxba -m fully)
% ltlsynt --aiger --algo=lar --formula="$LTL" --ins="$IN"
--outs="$OUT" >output.txt
Then we split the REALIZABLE line from the aiger output:
% head -1 output.txt
% sed 1d output.txt > output.aag
Looking into StarExecSYNTCOMP/TLSF/synt-post-processor/process it seems
the next steps are:
% ./syfco --format smv simple_arbiter_enc_2.tlsf --mode fully |
./smvtoaig -L ./ltl2smv > monitor.aag
% ./combine-aiger monitor.aag output.aag > combined.aag
% ./iimc -t fork -t fair -t klive -t fcbmc -t join combined.aag
rlim_cur: 8388608
rlim_max: 18446744073709551615
rlim_new: 33554432
And I understand that this last 0 is means SUCCESS, hence no issue?
Also I've checked the intermediate DPA generated with --algo=lar,
--algo=sd, and --algo=ds: the three are different, but they are all
equivalent. They could still trigger a problem later, but as the
remaining code is common to all cases, it's a bit less likely.
PS: Beware the your StarExecSYNTCOMP github repository is distributing
binaries without honoring the licenses of these tools. For instance
IIMC's and syfco's license requires you to redistribute its LICENSE
file; GPL-covered tools like ltlsynt additionally require a written
offer to distribute to corresponding source, etc.
Alexandre Duret-Lutz