Dear Spot team,
greetings. This is Edmond Irani Liu, a Ph.D student at the Cyber-Physical Systems Group, Technical University of Munich. First of all, I would say thank you for your effort in developing such a great platform and tool!
I have been using Spot lately, and have a few questions regarding automata manipulation in Spot. I attach a Jupyter notebook explaining my use case: we are using spot to compute the product automata of some LTLf formulas and our system described in Kripke structure.
If I understand this ( page correctly, we need to append a new state at the end of the system that holds a proposition which becomes inactive at the end of our system. Could you give us a quick feedback if our formulation in the notebook is correct? There states z1-z8 are system states, and z9 is the extra state for Spot to correctly handle LTLf formulas.
As we are trying to obtain the product automaton of a relatively large formula with our system, we assume that breaking down the formula and paralellizing the computation will observe a speed up in the computation. We would like to inquire if there exist operations like taking the union or intersection of the accepting runs of the automata? The concrete example is illustrated in the note book.
Is there a documentation available somewhere explaining the functions of objects in the Python wrapper? I tried looking around but couldn't find one explaining those. An example is also attached.
Thank you for your attention. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards,
Hi there,
Thanks so much for the great tool! I am having trouble understanding the
disjunction on state transitions. For example, I have the following small
G (p1);
G ((x) && (! (y)) ||
((y) && (! (x))));
G (F x);
G (F y);
From this, ltlsynt gives me:
AP: 3 "x" "y" "p1"
acc-name: all
Acceptance: 0 t
properties: trans-labels explicit-labels state-acc deterministic
State: 0
[!0&!1&!2 | 0&1&!2] 1
[!0&1&2] 1
State: 1
[!0&!1&!2 | 0&1&!2] 1
[0&!1&2] 0
Should I understand the "[!0&!1&!2 | 0&1&!2] 1" to mean that when !2 is
true, the system is free to choose from !0&!1 or 0&1?
On a related note, due to the ASSUME in the spec, !2 should never be true
anyway. Is there a way to filter this out of the model? For context, I am
really looking to get a Mealy Machine out of ltlsynt which I can then
convert into program code that would run in an infinite loop. Maybe I am
just going about this the wrong way?
Hi, I'm building some automatons using spot's python interface. Simply,
codes like:
for i in n:
temp_aut = spot.automaton(aut.to_str()) # copy an automaton
del temp_aut
But I found that whenever it enters a new loop, the memory of the automaton
assigned to temp_aut is not freed. And it leads to a memory overflow.
I thought this might be solved with 'delete temp_aut' in the C++ version
spot, but in the python interface 'del temp' doesn't seem to work.
Is there any interface in Python or other operations to make it possible?
I am contacting this list because I have a question regarding the behaviour of SPOT’s accepting_run function. I created an example (see attached) where, if I am not mistaken, the accepting run that is yielded does not satisfy the acceptance formula. Could you confirm that this is a problem and not a mistake in my understanding of the function and/or acceptance formula ? In addition, the acceptance formula is somehow detected as being a gen. Streett condition, can this be prevented and does it have an influence on how the emptiness check/accepting run generation is handled ?
Thank you for your help,
Is there a way to feed HOA file (as a nondet Buchi) instead of a formula to
I tried smth (see below), but I am getting 'unrealisable' for nondet Buchi
automaton spec
that is supposed to be realisable (see attached).
Maybe I missing something? (like ltlsynt dualising the automaton, etc.)
Here is what I tried. Into file, add:
#include "spot/parseaut/public.hh"
Then in line 822, comment out:
// auto aut =;
and instead add:
spot::bdd_dict_ptr dict = spot::make_bdd_dict();
auto parsed_aut = parse_aut("/tmp/spec.hoa", dict);
if (parsed_aut->aborted)
auto aut = parsed_aut->aut;
This forces ltlsynt to read file "/tmp/spec.hoa" and ignore the formula.
Further, when calling ltlsynt, pass the argument --decompose=no ('just in
./ltlsynt --formula="GF a" --ins=x,y --dot --outs=a,b,c --decompose=no
and provide the correct --ins and --outs arguments, and any formula with
one of those propositions.
The tool outputs expected implementations on toy examples,
but on a larger example attached it outputs "unrealizable" instead of
That is why the question.
best wishes,
I am trying to install Spot using the Debian package at but it looks as though the security certificate for has expired. In fact, it looks like it expired yesterday (Dec. 29th).
The reason I'm installing Spot is that it's a dependency of another project I would like to install, and that project's Dockerfile uses the Debian package. It is possible to compile Spot from the source, but it is more efficient to use a Debian package (and potentially eases reproducibility, which is nice when using Docker).
Would it be possible for someone to update the certificate?
- David
hi Alexandre,
Seems like the function formula::is_literal() should be marked const:
/// \brief Whether the formula is an atomic proposition or its
/// negation.
bool is_literal()
return (is(op::ap) ||
// If f is in nenoform, Not can only occur in front of
// an atomic proposition. So this way we do not have
// to check the type of the child.
(is(op::Not) && is_boolean() && is_in_nenoform()));
kind wishes,
Roei Nahum <roeina(a)> writes:
> I didn’t fully understand what utility I miss by lowering tls-impl to
> 2 (or to lower values) - are there additional materials I can use?
Implication-based simplifications of LTL formulas are described in
section 5.4.3 of
tls-impl=1 corresponds to tl_simplifier_options::synt_impl
tls-impl=2 corresponds to tl_simplifier_options::synt_impl +
tls-impl=3 corresponds to tl_simplifier_options::synt_impl +
tl_simplifier_options::containment_checks +
One question is whether your formulas require such simplification at