Is there a way to feed HOA file (as a nondet Buchi) instead of a formula to
I tried smth (see below), but I am getting 'unrealisable' for nondet Buchi
automaton spec
that is supposed to be realisable (see attached).
Maybe I missing something? (like ltlsynt dualising the automaton, etc.)
Here is what I tried. Into file synthesis.cc, add:
#include "spot/parseaut/public.hh"
Then in line 822, comment out:
// auto aut = trans.run(f);
and instead add:
spot::bdd_dict_ptr dict = spot::make_bdd_dict();
auto parsed_aut = parse_aut("/tmp/spec.hoa", dict);
if (parsed_aut->aborted)
auto aut = parsed_aut->aut;
This forces ltlsynt to read file "/tmp/spec.hoa" and ignore the formula.
Further, when calling ltlsynt, pass the argument --decompose=no ('just in
./ltlsynt --formula="GF a" --ins=x,y --dot --outs=a,b,c --decompose=no
and provide the correct --ins and --outs arguments, and any formula with
one of those propositions.
The tool outputs expected implementations on toy examples,
but on a larger example attached it outputs "unrealizable" instead of
That is why the question.
best wishes,
I am trying to install Spot using the Debian package at www.lrde.epita.fr/repo/debian/ but it looks as though the security certificate for www.lrde.epita.fr has expired. In fact, it looks like it expired yesterday (Dec. 29th).
The reason I'm installing Spot is that it's a dependency of another project I would like to install, and that project's Dockerfile uses the Debian package. It is possible to compile Spot from the source, but it is more efficient to use a Debian package (and potentially eases reproducibility, which is nice when using Docker).
Would it be possible for someone to update the certificate?
- David
hi Alexandre,
Seems like the function formula::is_literal() should be marked const:
/// \brief Whether the formula is an atomic proposition or its
/// negation.
bool is_literal()
return (is(op::ap) ||
// If f is in nenoform, Not can only occur in front of
// an atomic proposition. So this way we do not have
// to check the type of the child.
(is(op::Not) && is_boolean() && is_in_nenoform()));
kind wishes,