With the aid of SPOT I am developing a counter-example guided synthesizer
in python. See [1] if interested for details.
My question is:
I am trying to parse twa_run in python,
namely, parse the labels of the each step (`spot.impl.step`).
Is there a python way to walk through BDD?
(The label is a simple cube expressed in BDD, and I need to convert it into
my internal structure)
(yes, this is rather a question about python interface for buddy)
(no, that is not feature request:) if not possible, I will simply print the
label and parse the string, that is not crucial)
The idea is
- guess the model,
- then model check it and get a counter-example
- then encode the counter-example into the "guesser" (which uses an SMT
1. I tried to compare 2 spot automata as described here ->
(last section)
but, I got a counterexample which I think is not correct since both
automata are not accepting this counterexample:
I tried to compare automata which presents P1 U p2 and automata
which answers
"no" to everything and I got cycle{P1 & !p2} as a counterexample.
attached picture with the code and examples from Ide.
2. Is there a way to transfer spot automata to LTL?
When my input is a word (string such as 'p1 & !p2; cycle{p2}') and spot
f = spot.formula("p1 U p2")
aut = spot.translate(f, 'low')
is it possible to check if the word exists in automata?
My name is Roi and I'm an Msc student at Bar Ilan University (Israel).
I'm trying to use the spot tool (python version) and I'm trying to figure
out how to build spot-automata (spot.twa_graph object) type when my input
is the edges, states and accepting states.
can you help me please with that?
In addition, is there an example of Angluin implementation using Spot?
My name is Roi and I'm an Msc student at Bar Ilan University (Israel).
I'm trying to use the spot tool (python version) and I'm trying to figure
out how to build spot-automata (spot.twa_graph object) type when my input
is the edges, states and accepting states.
can you help me please with that?
In addition, is there an example of Angluin implementation using Spot?
On Tue, Oct 6, 2020 at 5:09 PM Niklas Metzger
<niklas.metzger(a)cispa.saarland> wrote:
> Hi Alexandre,
> thank you for your fast response! I’m a bit confused on the meaning of creation time:
> >>> import spot
> >>> f = spot.formula("Fa")
> >>> ff = spot.formula("Ga")
> >>> spot.formula.Or([f, ff])
> spot.formula("Fa | Ga")
> >>> f = spot.formula("Ga")
> >>> ff = spot.formula("Fa")
> >>> spot.formula.Or([f, ff])
> spot.formula("Fa | Ga")
> >>> n = spot.formula("Ga")
> >>> nn = spot.formula("Fa")
> >>> spot.formula.Or([n, nn])
> spot.formula("Fa | Ga")
> Is there some internal representation that does not create new objects if seen before?
You can also use print(f.id()) to display the "serial number" of
formula f. That's an identifier incremented for each new formula (new
in the sense "not seen before"). This value is used to sort formulas
(e.g., order the operands), or as hash value. But it is not
necessarily unique in the case that so many formulas are created that
the counter loops.
Alexandre Duret-Lutz
I’m currently using Spot to manipulate LTL formulas (using Python) and encountered the following behaviour: The result of "spot.formula.Or([x,y])” possibly changes the order of the subformulas, e.g. globally will appear in front of finally. Is there a way to build formulas that stick to the given order?
Best and thanks in advance