Hi Spot developers,
I just extended our automata library
with support to write Büchi automata in the HOA format.
Now, I just wanted to check a few results without implementing
support to read HOA files.
Syntactically my files seem to be correct, (example attached, file
is read by Spot), but I also wanted to do some semantic check,
e.g., test if a certain word is accepted.
Spot provides quite a number of sophisticated operations but I did not
find something "simple" like an acceptance check.
Have I overlooked it or is it not documented?
For my purpose it is sufficient if it works on the "usual" Büchi automata.
Can you please explain the api for creating a bdd?
How can I create a bdd?
How do I define it?
How do I give parameter names so that I can later use it to model check a
What is the meaning of bdd_ithvar and bdd_nithvar and the int parameter
they receive?
I would be very happy if you can supply a simple example.
Thank you very much and happy new year,
Hi all,
I am a masters student of computer science at University of Bremen,
Germany. I am working with Büchi-Automata for a study at the moment.
Therefore I want to parse an HOA file representing a Büchi-Automaton
using Python. It would be great to get an object in Python representing
the automaton. So that I can iterate over the states and their edges,
read the labels, etc.
Can this be done using Spot? If so, how? It would be nice to have a code
Thank you so much for your help!
Best regards from Germany,
Marcel Walter