Index: ChangeLog
from SIGOURE Benoit <sigoure.benoit(a)>
Add documentation draft for XRM.
* src/str/desugar-array-access.str: Add an ICE condition.
* tests/xrm/static_rand.xpm: New.
* TODO: Bring up to date.
* doc: New.
* doc/user-guide.txt: New.
TODO | 16 -
doc/user-guide.txt | 392 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/str/desugar-array-access.str | 7
tests/xrm/static_rand.xpm | 1
4 files changed, 398 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
Index: src/str/desugar-array-access.str
--- src/str/desugar-array-access.str (revision 54)
+++ src/str/desugar-array-access.str (working copy)
@@ -35,17 +35,12 @@
** NOTE: we have a 2D list. The first level of lists represents the
** dimension, the second level, the subscripts accessed for that
** dimension.
- ** NOTE: If the subscripts contain at least one meta-var, we completely
- ** discard this array-access (by failing) and let the eval-meta-code
- ** part take care of it. This is a *dirty* hack to allow declarations
- ** using meta-vars. This implies that it's impossible to declare
- ** something only partially using meta-vars. :|
desugar-subscripts =
collect-all(?ArrayAccess(_, <id>), conc) // collect gives us the list...
; reverse // ... with deepest array accesses first (we want the opposite)
; prism-desugar
- ; if has-meta-vars then fail end // see the 2nd NOTE above.
+ ; if has-meta-vars then ice(|"desugar-subscripts", "shouldn't be
here") end
; map( // traverse the list of dimensions
map( // traverse the subscripts for a given dimension
if ?Int(_) then
Index: tests/xrm/static_rand.xpm
--- tests/xrm/static_rand.xpm (revision 0)
+++ tests/xrm/static_rand.xpm (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+const int N = static_rand(0, 100);
Index: TODO
--- TODO (revision 54)
+++ TODO (working copy)
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
* Add tests using "system ... endsystem" (it's properly not parsed atm)
- * Write some sort of formal descriptions of the extensions offered.
* Add more tests. Add tests which actually do check that the generated code
is correct (which is not done ATM).
Factorize current tests with shell functions.
@@ -63,8 +61,6 @@
x[1..3]?=0 => x_1=0 | x_2=0 | x_3=0
- NOTE: x[5]?=0 should be considered as an error.
* Add non-static array accesses (as suggested by Micha). For instance:
module test
x[4] : [0..5];
@@ -145,14 +141,7 @@
## Documentation ##
## ------------- ##
- * Document the return values of xrm-front.
- - 1: rewriting failed
- - 2: error with meta-vars (eg: undefined meta-var, redefined meta-var)
- - 3: arithmetic error when evaluating code (eg: division/modulo by 0)
- - 4: invalid call to a builtin (eg rand(1,2,3))
- - 5: invalid array access (eg: subscript is not a positive integer)
- - 42: internal compiler error
- - 51: not yet implemented
+ see in the doc/ folder.
## ---- ##
## DONE ##
@@ -224,3 +213,6 @@
* Add a sanity check before check-meta-vars to collect all statically
declared variables (globals, formulas, local declarations etc.) and ensure
(in check-meta-vars) that their identifiers are unique.
+ * Write some sort of formal descriptions of the extensions offered.
+ => see under /doc
Index: doc/user-guide.txt
--- doc/user-guide.txt (revision 0)
+++ doc/user-guide.txt (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+ ooooooo ooooo ooooooooo. ooo ooooo
+ `8888 d8' `888 `Y88. `88. .888'
+ Y888..8P 888 .d88' 888b d'888
+ `8888' 888ooo88P' 8 Y88. .P 888
+ .8PY888. 888`88b. 8 `888' 888
+ d8' `888b 888 `88b. 8 Y 888
+ o888o o88888o o888o o888o o8o o888o
+ eXtended Reactive Modules
+ ~ Users' Guide ~
+ // FIXME: LaTeXise me
+ ****************
+ * Introduction *
+ ****************
+ // FIXME: An introduction about PRISM and what is/isn't XRM is missing
+ // here.
+ ****************
+ * Installation *
+ ****************
+ - Requirements:
+ o Stratego/XT 0.17M1 (at least revision 15278 committed Mon, 29 May 2006)
+ because of libstratego-gpp (added in Stratego/XT 0.17M1 rev 15278).
+ o Any version of gcc (3.x or 4.x will do).
+ o Machine with executable stack (Beware of problems with MacIntel).
+ o ATerm 2.4.2 or newer.
+ o SDF2-Bundle 2.3.4 or newer.
+ - Using Nix:
+ Nix is a package management system that ensures safe and complete
+ installation of packages.
+ You can get Nix from (pick up the
+ latest unstable release).
+ Once Nix is installed, use the following commands (you might need to be
+ root depending on how you installed nix):
+ $ nix-channel --add
+ $ nix-env --install aterm sdf2-bundle strategoxt
+ There you are!
+ Add the following line to your .bashrc/.zshrc:
+ [ -r /nix/etc/profile.d/ ] && source /nix/etc/profile.d/
+ That's it!
+ - Without Nix:
+ Install ATerm, SDF2 Bundle and Stratego/XT from:
+ Additional install instructions can be found there.
+ - Installing XRM:
+ o Uncompress the tarball: gunzip -c xrm-version.tar.gz | tar -xf -
+ o Use the following command to setup a build-tree:
+ $ cd xrm-version && mkdir _build && cd _build
+ o Invoke configure to generate the Makefiles
+ If you use Nix, simply use `../configure'
+ If you don't use Nix, use `PKG_CONFIG_PATH=P ../configure' where
+ `P' stands for the path(s) to the directory(ies) where the .pc
+ files of your Stratego/XT installation were installed. eg:
+ /usr/lib/pkgconfig/aterm.pc
+ /usr/lib/pkgconfig/sdf2-bundle.pc
+ /usr/lib/pkgconfig/stratego*.pc
+ o Then simply type `make all check' then `make install'
+ ***************************
+ * Tools provided with XRM *
+ ***************************
+ - xrm-front: The front-end provided by XRM will take as input an XRM source
+ code and will transform it into a standard PRISM source code.
+ - parse-prism: Parse a PRISM source code and yield an AST in ATerms.
+ - parse-xrm: Ditto with XRM source code.
+ - pp-prism: Pretty print ("unparse") a PRISM AST as PRISM source code.
+ - pp-xrm: Ditto but for XRM.
+ - prism-to-abox: Transform a PRISM AST into a Box AST for pretty printing.
+ - xrm-to-abox: Ditto but for XRM.
+ *******************
+ * Using xrm-front *
+ *******************
+ xrm-front is the main tool of the XRM package. It will transform a source
+ written in XRM into a standard PRISM source.
+ # Common options
+ --------------
+ The options can be reviewed by invoking xrm-front with the --help argument.
+ Common options include:
+ -D | --desugar Desugar the generated PRISM code.
+ --verbose notice Keep you informed about stages of the pipeline.
+ -A | --pp-aterm Pretty print output with pp-aterm.
+ # Return value
+ ------------
+ xrm-front will return 0 if it succeeds and non zero if an error occured.
+ Possible return values are:
+ - 1: rewriting failed (eg: it might be a bug in xrm-front)
+ - 2: error with meta-vars (eg: undefined meta-var, redefined meta-var)
+ - 3: arithmetic error when evaluating code (eg: division/modulo by 0)
+ - 4: invalid call to a builtin (eg rand(1,2,3))
+ - 5: invalid array access (eg: subscript is not a positive integer)
+ - 42: internal compiler error (please send a bug report)
+ - 51: not yet implemented
+ ********************
+ * The XRM language *
+ ********************
+ # Introduction
+ ------------
+ The specification of the base language is documented in PRISM's manual (a
+ copy is available in the prism/ directory).
+ The XRM language is 100% PRISM compliant and only offers extension to the
+ language.
+ Numerous of the constructs in XRM are `meta' because they cannot be
+ translated in the PRISM language, thus we must evaluate them at
+ compile-time (this is xrm-front's job) in order to break them down to
+ simpler PRISM constructs.
+ # XRM Modules
+ -----------
+ Within XRM modules, it is not mandatory to specify declarations before
+ commands. They can be freely intertwined in any particular order (whereas
+ in plain PRISM, declarations must come first and then commands will follow).
+ The following module is valid in XRM:
+ module OutOfOrder
+ [] x=0 -> (x'=1);
+ x : [0..1] init 0;
+ endmodule
+ The last step of xrm-front's pipeline is to group all declarations together
+ at the beginning of the module so that the module will be valid standard
+ # XRM Expressions
+ ---------------
+ o XRM has arrays (see below). Array accesses are expressions.
+ o XRM introduces two operators: "<<" and ">>" which
have the same semantics
+ as in C. They are desugared using calls to the builtin pow.
+ + TODO: "?=" and "?!=" operators for arrays.
+ # XRM Arrays
+ ----------
+ o It is possible to declare an array of variables instead of a several
+ variables. Everywhere a variable declaration was allowed in PRISM, an
+ array declaration is allowed in XRM.
+ o Arrays can be declared like in C, eg:
+ x[4] : [0..1] init 0;
+ will declare an array of 4 elements: x[0], x[1], x[2] and x[3].
+ So it's all like in C (access from to 0 through N-1)
+ o It's possible to declare multidimensional arrays, eg:
+ x[3][4] : [0..1] init 0;
+ Again this is *almost* like C with the exception for multidimensional
+ arrays that intermediate dimensions are not accessible (simply because
+ they don't exist). So the former declaration will declare:
+ x[0][0], x[0][1], x[0][2], x[0][3],
+ x[1][0], x[1][1], x[1][2], x[1][3],
+ x[2][0], x[2][1], x[2][2], x[2][3]
+ But in this case accessing x[0] for example doesn't make sense.
+ o It is also possible to specify manually the dimensions of an array using
+ lists and ranges, eg:
+ x[2..4][0,3..5] will declare only: x[2][0], x[2][3], x[2][4], x[2][5],
+ x[3][0], x[3][3], x[3][4], x[3][5],
+ x[4][0], x[4][3], x[4][4], x[4][5]
+ So basically, when one of the dimensions of an array declaration is a
+ simple integer, eg: x[N] it is expansed in x[0..N]. Then the Cartesian
+ product of all the dimensions of the array is used to compute the set of
+ accessible variables.
+ o Dimensions of size zero are not allowed, eg: x[0] : [0..1];
+ o Arrays can also be implicitly declared using for loops (see below, the
+ section about for loops in XRM).
+ o Array accesses can be found (nearly) everywhere a simple variable
+ identifier is allowed in PRISM.
+ o Update of values in arrays is illustrated in the following example:
+ [] x[N][M]=0 -> (x[N][M]'=1);
+ Notice that the prime (') comes after the dimensions of the array access.
+ o All the subscripts in array accesses must be evaluable down to a simple
+ positive integer at compile time, eg:
+ const int N = 3;
+ // ...
+ i : [0..42] init 0; // declaration of `i'.
+ [] x[N+3]=0 -> ...; // valid: N+3 can be worked out at compile time.
+ [] x[i+3]=0 -> ...; // invalid: the value of `i' is dynamic and unknown
+ // at compile time.
+ + TODO: Array accesses with dynamic subscripts.
+ # XRM Meta-code
+ -------------
+ XRM introduces meta-for loops and meta-if statements in the language.
+ These constructs are said to be `meta' because they are evaluated by
+ xrm-front and lead to code generation.
+ o Meta-for loops can be found in only 2 places within a XRM source file:
+ * Where we could expect a module declaration.
+ * Where we could expect a declaration or a command, within a module.
+ This implies that meta-for loops can only be used to generate modules (or
+ other file sections, such as formulas, globals, etc.) or commands and
+ declarations within modules.
+ o There exists 2 flavors of for loops:
+ * For loops a la Pascal
+ * For loops a la Shell
+ Example:
+ for i from 0 to 3 do ... end // Pascal-like
+ for i from 0 to 10 step 2 do ... end // Pascal-like
+ for i in a, 1+2, N do .. end // Shell-like
+ In each of these 3 cases, the variable `i' will be considered as a
+ meta-variable, meaning it will only exists at the meta-level and won't
+ appear in the final source code.
+ o For Pascal-like for-loops, the fields `from', `to' and `step' must be
+ evaluable down to simple integers at compile time. The value of the field
+ `from' must be less than or equal to that of the field `to'.
+ o For-loops are unrolled by copying the body of the loop and replacing
+ every match of the identifier of the meta-var by its successive values.
+ o For-loops are the only way of declaring a meta-var at the moment.
+ o For-loops can be used to create new modules. Since each module must have
+ a unique name, it will have to be suffixed by an array access using a
+ meta-var, eg:
+ for i from 1 to 3 do
+ module dummy[i]
+ x[i] : [0..1] init 0;
+ endmodule
+ end
+ will generate 3 modules: dummy[1], dummy[2] and dummy[3].
+ Of course, since each module has its own unique variables too, the
+ variables declared in that generated module will also have to be suffixed
+ by an array access with the meta-var.
+ In this case though, when `i' gets replaced by its successive values, we
+ have the following modules:
+ module dummy[1]
+ x[1] : [0..1] init 0; // not an array declaration
+ endmodule
+ module dummy[2]
+ x[2] : [0..1] init 0; // ditto
+ endmodule
+ module dummy[3]
+ x[3] : [0..1] init 0; // ditto
+ endmodule
+ But fortunately, this will not create 3 times an array called `x'. In
+ this very special case, the numerical values will not be expansed as
+ x[0..1] for dummy[1], x[0..2] for dummy[2] and x[0..3] for dummy[3]
+ because the integer in the array subscript comes from the expansion of a
+ meta-var and won't be further expanded.
+ Thus in this case you get 3 different modules, each with their own single
+ unique variable `x'.
+ If you wish to provide each module with an array of, say 6 elements, then
+ do the following:
+ for i from 1 to 3 do
+ module dummy[i]
+ x[i][5] : [0..1] init 0;
+ endmodule
+ end
+ In this case the first dimensions (`i') will first be expansed by the
+ loop unrolling, which will equip each generated module with its own
+ unique variable `x' and then the second dimension will be expansed to
+ 0..5 which will create an array of 6 elements for each generated module.
+ o Meta-for loops can also be used to declare arrays implicitely:
+ module ImplicitArray
+ for i from 0 to 3 do
+ x[i] : [0..i] init i;
+ end
+ endmodule
+ In this case the module ImplicitArray will have a single array named `x'
+ of 4 elements. This method offers a greater control on how each element
+ of the array is declared.
+ o Meta-if statements can be found in only 3 places within a XRM source file:
+ * Where we could expect a module declaration.
+ * Where we could expect a declaration or a command, within a module.
+ * Where we would expect an expression.
+ However the latter case has a restriction that the two formers don't have:
+ the then-part and the else-part of the if statements cannot contain more
+ than one expression.
+ o The syntax for meta-if statements is illustrated in the following example:
+ if true then
+ module alwaysGenerated
+ if 0 = 42 - 21 then
+ neverGenerated : [0..42] init 0;
+ else
+ alwaysGeneratedToo : [0..42] init 0;
+ end
+ endmodule
+ end
+ o The condition of the meta-if statements must be evaluable at compile
+ time. It must either be evaluable down to true or false, or down to a
+ simple integer/double. If that integer/double is 0, the condition will be
+ false, otherwise it will be true (like in C). Comparison on reals are
+ done with a precision of 10^-7 which means that if the condition is
+ reduced down to 0.00000001 (for instance) it will be evaluated as being
+ false.
+ # XRM builtins
+ ------------
+ XRM introduces two new builtins for generating random numbers: rand and
+ static_rand.
+ o Both rand and static_rand take either one or two arguments which must
+ be evaluable down to simple integers at compile-time.
+ If rand or static_rand is called with a single argument, a second
+ argument (an integer equal to zero) is added. If the single argument
+ is positive, the zero is added before it, otherwise it's added after
+ it, eg:
+ rand(3) will be desugared to rand(0, 3)
+ rand(-3) will be desugared to rand(-3, 0)
+ o static_rand(low, hi) will be transformed into a random integer ranging
+ from `low' to `hi' (included). The random number is obtain with rand(3)
+ which is seeded with the current UNIX time-stamp when xrm-front starts.
+ o Calls to static_rand will be evaluated after unrolling of meta-for
+ loops to ensure that each iteration of the loop gets its own random
+ number. It will be evaluated earlier if it happens to be used where
+ a statically evaluable value is required more early in the pipeline
+ (eg: in meta-if statements' condition, in the fields `from', `to' or
+ `step' of a meta-for loop, etc.)
+ o Bear in mind that the random numbers generated by static_rand are
+ constant from one run to another unless you re-generate the PRISM
+ source (with xrm-front) each time before running.
+ o rand(low, hi) will be transformed into a new variable (each call to
+ rand will generate a new unique variable) which will be controlled by
+ an external module with a single command:
+ module testRand => module testRand
+ x : [0..42] init 0; => x : [0..42] init 0;
+ [] x=0 -> x'=rand(42); => [] x=0 -> x'=__rand_0;
+ endmodule => endmodule
+ => module __rand_0
+ => __rand_0 : [0..42];
+ => [] true -> 1/43:(__rand_0'=0)
+ => + 1/43:(__rand_0'=1)
+ => ...
+ => + 1/43:(__rand_0'=42);
+ => endmodule
+ /!\ This is not a reliable random number generator!
+ + TODO: The current implementation of rand will be renamed (maybe as
+ bad_rand or old_rand) and a new reliable implementation will be
+ provided as a replacement. In this implementation, the random variable
+ won't be hosted in a foreign module anymore, it will be hosted directly
+ in the module which called rand. The variable will be updated each time
+ it's accessed to ensure real random numbers.
+ *********************
+ * Incoming features *
+ *********************
+ The following features are not yet implemented (or only partially
+ implemented or broken). They are ordered in term of the estimated time
+ needed to successfully implement them. For a complete list of things to be
+ done please review the TODO file.
+ - More sanity checks for all declarations at different stages of the
+ pipeline to ensure that everything is well defined. (variables used have
+ been declared somewhere etc.)
+ - Possibility to import another module, eg: import
+ - Parameterized formulas. (Pretty much like macro-functions in C)
+ - Scopes for meta variables (allow redefinitions/shadowing).
+ - Bound/Type checking (ensure that variables are properly used according to
+ their type/domain definition).
+ - Conditional tests on arrays. "?=" and "?!=" operators for arrays.
+ x[1..3]=0 => x_1=0 & x_2=0 & x_3=0
+ x[1..3]?=0 => x_1=0 | x_2=0 | x_3=0
+ - Dynamic array accesses, eg: x[i] where `i' is not known at compile-time.
+ - Array initializations a la C:
+ x[3] : [0..4] init {0, 1, 2};
+ const int array[3] = {0, 1, 2};
+ - Better error messages (with the location of error).
+ **************
+ * Known bugs *
+ **************
+ - The construct "system ... endsystem" (for system compositions) is broken
+ at the moment (meaning: using it will result in a parse error). It's
+ probably a simple problem with the base SDF grammar. I've never seen a
+ PRISM source using this construct so this has been in the TODO list since
+ the beginning but with a very low priority.
+ - Unary operators are allowed in the base language whereas they should not
+ (because they are not allowed in the original PRISM parser).
+ - There is nearly no warranty that the generated code will work in PRISM.
+ Generally speaking, if the input XRM source is correct, the output PRISM
+ source will also be correct. However, at this stage of the development,
+ the front-end is still pretty fragile and I am sure it's quite easy to
+ generate invalid PRISM code without having any error reported by
+ xrm-front (in this case please report the bug).
+ What we clearly need to thwart this is:
+ - Type checking.
+ - Bound checking.
+ - Probably many other things. (run make check and see the tests that fail).