Index: ChangeLog
from SIGOURE Benoit <sigoure.benoit(a)>
Detect overlapping declarations of arrays.
Consider the following case:
x[1][1] : [0..2] init 2;
x[1][1,2] : [0..3] init 3;
Here, we're declaring the array `x' in two parts. As we can see, the
second part overlaps with the first. Moreover the, overlapping part
has a different definition in both declarations. This is now caught
and reported as an error.
* src/str/array-decl-desugar.str: Detect overlapping declarations.
* doc/user-guide.txt: Bring up to date.
doc/user-guide.txt | 2 -
src/str/array-decl-desugar.str | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
2 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
Index: src/str/array-decl-desugar.str
--- src/str/array-decl-desugar.str (revision 80)
+++ src/str/array-decl-desugar.str (working copy)
@@ -33,13 +33,57 @@
<fetch-idf> array-access => idf
; <desugar-array-access> array-access => aa-list
- ; rules(DeclaredIdentifier: Identifier(idf) -> aa-list)
- ; desugared-array-access-list-to-identifier-list(|idf)
+ ; where(check-decl-overlaps-previous-decl(|idf, aa-list) => old-aa-list)
+ ; <conc>(old-aa-list, aa-list) => new-aa-list
+ ; rules(DeclaredIdentifier: Identifier(idf) -> new-aa-list)
+ ; <desugared-array-access-list-to-identifier-list(|idf)> aa-list
; map({var-name:
; <build-dec(|var-name)> data
+ /** @internal
+ ** Check whether the current array declaration overlaps with a previous
+ ** array declaration. The dimensions declared in the current decl are
+ ** in aa-list. We fetch previously declared dimensions (if any) using the
+ ** DR DeclaredIdentifier. If one of the dimensions in aa-list is the same
+ ** as one of those previously declared, the current declaration overlaps
+ ** with a previous one (=> error!).
+ **
+ ** @return the list of previously declared dimensions (if any) or an empty
+ ** list otherwise.
+ */
+ check-decl-overlaps-previous-decl(|idf, aa-list) =
+ if <DeclaredIdentifier> Identifier(idf) => old-aa-list then
+ /* Here old-aa-list contains the dimensions already defined for `idf'. */
+ if !old-aa-list => [_|_] then // if the list is not empty ...
+ /* ... then we already had a definition for that idf, check that
+ * both definitions don't overlap. */
+ !old-aa-list
+ /* ok now we must check if one of the dimensions in aa-list is
+ * also present in the current term (which is list of dimensions
+ * already defined). If one of them is present in both lists, the
+ * current definition overlaps a former definition. */
+ ; map({old-dim:
+ ?old-dim // for each old-dim in old-aa-list...
+ /* ... check whether old-dim is somewhere in aa-list */
+ ; <map(try(?old-dim; error-overlapping-dim(|idf, aa-list)))> aa-list
+ })
+ ; !old-aa-list
+ else // return an empty list
+ ![]
+ end
+ else // ditto.
+ ![]
+ end
+ error-overlapping-dim(|idf, aa-list) =
+ err-msg(|["Invalid declaration of array `", idf, "'. This array is
+ "declared in multiple parts which overlap."])
+ ; debug(!"Overlapping dimension: ")
+ ; <debug(!"Dimensions already declared for that array: ")> aa-list
+ ; <xtc-exit> 5
/** Builders. */
Index: doc/user-guide.txt
--- doc/user-guide.txt (revision 80)
+++ doc/user-guide.txt (working copy)
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
- 2: error with meta-vars (eg: undefined meta-var, redefined meta-var)
- 3: arithmetic error when evaluating code (eg: division/modulo by 0)
- 4: invalid call to a builtin (eg: rand(1,2,3))
- - 5: invalid array access (eg: subscript is not a positive integer)
+ - 5: errors related with arrays (eg: subscript is not a positive integer)
- 6: invalid call to a parameterized formula (eg: not enough arguments)
- 42: internal compiler error (please send a bug report)
- 51: not yet implemented