Index: ChangeLog
from SIGOURE Benoit <sigoure.benoit(a)>
Fix pretty-printing for PCTL/CSL.
Pretty printing is now fully functional for PCTL/CSL.
* src/lib/pctl/pp/pctl-label.str: Fix boxing.
* src/syn/pctl/PCTL-Property.sdf: Put correct constructor names.
* src/lib/pctl/pp/pctl-property.str: Ditto + take new constructor
names into account.
* THANKS: Typo.
THANKS | 2 +-
src/lib/pctl/pp/pctl-label.str | 2 +-
src/lib/pctl/pp/pctl-property.str | 18 +++++++++---------
src/syn/pctl/PCTL-Property.sdf | 24 ++++++++++++------------
4 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
Index: src/lib/pctl/pp/pctl-label.str
--- src/lib/pctl/pp/pctl-label.str (revision 60)
+++ src/lib/pctl/pp/pctl-label.str (working copy)
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
// "label" "\"" Identifier "\"" "="
Expression ";" -> LabelDef
LabelDef(idf, exp)
- -> H hs=1 [ KW["label"] "\"" ~idf "\""
"=" H hs=0 [~exp ";"] ]
+ -> H hs=1 [ KW["label"] H hs=0["\"" ~idf
"\""] "=" H hs=0 [~exp ";"] ]
Index: src/lib/pctl/pp/pctl-property.str
--- src/lib/pctl/pp/pctl-property.str (revision 60)
+++ src/lib/pctl/pp/pctl-property.str (working copy)
@@ -60,19 +60,19 @@
-> H hs=1 [ H hs=0[ KW["P"] MATH["=?"] ] "[" ~path
~filter_ "]" ]
- ProbAtLeast(path, None())
+ ProbMin(path, None())
-> H hs=1 [ KW["Pmin"] MATH["=?"] "[" ~path
"]" ]
- ProbAtLeast(path, Some(filter_))
+ ProbMin(path, Some(filter_))
-> H hs=1 [ KW["Pmin"] MATH["=?"] "[" ~path ~filter_
"]" ]
- ProbAtMost(path, None())
+ ProbMax(path, None())
-> H hs=1 [ KW["Pmax"] MATH["=?"] "[" ~path
"]" ]
- ProbAtMost(path, Some(filter_))
+ ProbMax(path, Some(filter_))
-> H hs=1 [ KW["Pmax"] MATH["=?"] "[" ~path ~filter_
"]" ]
/* S Operator */
@@ -160,19 +160,19 @@
-> H hs=1 [ H hs=0[ KW["R"] MATH["=?"] ] "[" ~reward
~filter_ "]" ]
- RewardAtLeast(reward, None())
+ RewardMin(reward, None())
-> H hs=1 [ KW["Rmin"] MATH["=?"] "[" ~reward
"]" ]
- RewardAtLeast(reward, Some(filter_))
+ RewardMin(reward, Some(filter_))
-> H hs=1 [ KW["Rmin"] MATH["=?"] "[" ~reward
~filter_ "]" ]
- RewardAtMost(reward, None())
+ RewardMax(reward, None())
-> H hs=1 [ KW["Rmax"] MATH["=?"] "[" ~reward
"]" ]
- RewardAtMost(reward, Some(filter_))
+ RewardMax(reward, Some(filter_))
-> H hs=1 [ KW["Rmax"] MATH["=?"] "[" ~reward
~filter_ "]" ]
/* Misc. stuff */
@@ -181,4 +181,4 @@
Init() -> H hs=0 ["\"" KW["init"] "\""]
- Label(s) -> H hs=0 ["\"" s "\""]
+ Label(idf) -> H hs=0 ["\"" ~idf "\""]
Index: src/syn/pctl/PCTL-Property.sdf
--- src/syn/pctl/PCTL-Property.sdf (revision 60)
+++ src/syn/pctl/PCTL-Property.sdf (working copy)
@@ -147,19 +147,19 @@
Expression "=>" Expression -> Property
Expression "=>" Property -> Property
Property "=>" Expression -> Property
- Property "|" Property -> Property {left,cons("PropOr")}
- Property "&" Property -> Property {left,cons("PropAnd")}
- "!" Property -> Property {cons("PropNot")}
+ Property "|" Property -> Property {left,cons("Or")}
+ Property "&" Property -> Property {left,cons("And")}
+ "!" Property -> Property {cons("Not")}
"P" "<" Expression "[" Path Filter? "]"
-> Property {cons("ProbLt")}
"P" "<=" Expression "[" Path Filter? "]"
-> Property {cons("ProbLtEq")}
"P" ">" Expression "[" Path Filter? "]"
-> Property {cons("ProbGt")}
"P" ">=" Expression "[" Path Filter? "]"
-> Property {cons("ProbGtEq")}
"P" "=?" "[" Path Filter? "]" ->
Property {cons("ProbEq")}
- "P" "min" "=?" "[" Path Filter? "]"
-> Property {cons("ProbAtLeast")}
- "Pmin" "=?" "[" Path Filter? "]" ->
Property {cons("ProbAtLeast")}
- "P" "max" "=?" "[" Path Filter? "]"
-> Property {cons("ProbAtMost")}
- "Pmax" "=?" "[" Path Filter? "]" ->
Property {cons("ProbAtMost")}
+ "P" "min" "=?" "[" Path Filter? "]"
-> Property {cons("ProbMin")}
+ "Pmin" "=?" "[" Path Filter? "]" ->
Property {cons("ProbMin")}
+ "P" "max" "=?" "[" Path Filter? "]"
-> Property {cons("ProbMax")}
+ "Pmax" "=?" "[" Path Filter? "]" ->
Property {cons("ProbMax")}
"S" "<" Expression "[" Formula ("{"
Formula "}")? "]" -> Property {cons("SteadyLt")}
"S" "<=" Expression "[" Formula ("{"
Formula "}")? "]" -> Property {cons("SteadyLtEq")}
@@ -172,14 +172,14 @@
"R" ">" Expression "[" Reward Filter?
"]" -> Property {cons("RewardGt")}
"R" ">=" Expression "[" Reward Filter?
"]" -> Property {cons("RewardGtEq")}
"R" "=?" "[" Reward Filter? "]" ->
Property {cons("RewardEq")}
- "R" "min" "=?" "[" Reward Filter?
"]" -> Property {cons("RewardAtLeast")}
- "Rmin" "=?" "[" Reward Filter? "]" ->
Property {cons("RewardAtLeast")}
- "R" "max" "=?" "[" Reward Filter?
"]" -> Property {cons("RewardAtMost")}
- "Rmax" "=?" "[" Reward Filter? "]" ->
Property {cons("RewardAtMost")}
+ "R" "min" "=?" "[" Reward Filter?
"]" -> Property {cons("RewardMin")}
+ "Rmin" "=?" "[" Reward Filter? "]" ->
Property {cons("RewardMin")}
+ "R" "max" "=?" "[" Reward Filter?
"]" -> Property {cons("RewardMax")}
+ "Rmax" "=?" "[" Reward Filter? "]" ->
Property {cons("RewardMax")}
"\"init\"" -> Property {cons("Init")}
"\"" Identifier "\"" -> Property
- Expression -> Property {cons("Exp2Prop")}
+ Expression -> Property %%{cons("Exp2Prop")}%%DEBUG
"(" Property ")" -> Property {bracket}
context-free priorities
--- THANKS (revision 60)
+++ THANKS (working copy)
@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@
is also the one who had first suggested to have a dedicated tool to solve
the problems that PRISM has, using program transformation.
-Michael Cadilhac <micha(a)>
+Micha�l Cadilhac <micha(a)>
For his beta-testing, his suggestions and many (good) ideas.