>> "SIGOURE" == SIGOURE Benoit
<sigoure.benoit(a)lrde.epita.fr> writes:
+ If you wish, it is possible to specify properties
directly in XRM files.
+ You can add property sections to your XRM files. Property sections can be
+ found everywhere a module declaration can be found. A property section is
+ specified as:
+ properties
+ // XPCTL code here
+ end
+ If you use property sections, you will need to pass an additional argument
+ to xrm-front to specify the PCTL property file where the options must be
+ saved. The option switch is --p-output f or -po f (where `f' is a path).
+ However, this option is not mandatory. If you specify property sections but
+ omit this switch, xrm-front will discard the properties and issue a warning
+ about that.
Many thanks!