Je sais mais ci est un alias sur common_commit
dont le metier est de ressembler a commit mais cela
reste une macro action qui contient un commit.
PS: commit --force ne sera dispo que dans 0.5
~/lectures/cours-compilation % svn ci --force
nostromo 14:27
At revision 344.
[vcs] info: Creating a new `,form' file ...
[vcs] info: Creating a new `,log' file ...
[vcs] info: Creating a new `,iform' file ...
[vcs] info: ,form already exists
[vcs] info: Creating a new `,message' file ...
[vcs] info: ,log already exists
Committing, are you sure? (y/n)
[vcs] info: Backup your `ChangeLog' to `,,ChangeLog' ...
[vcs] info: ChangeLog: Writing your new entry ...
[vcs] info: ,log already exists
[vcs] info: ChangeLog: Writing the others ...
[vcs] info: ,log already exists
Subcommand 'commit' doesn't accept option '--force'
Type 'svn help commit' for usage.
[vcs] error: Aborting not opened for reading
[vcs] info: You can rerun the same command to resume the commit
[vcs] info: ,form: Contains your complete form (title, subject, ChangeLog entry, diff)
[vcs] info: ,log: Contains your Log entry
[vcs] info: ,iform: Contains your instanciated form (title, subject, ChangeLog entry,
[vcs] info: ,message: Contains your generated message (ChangeLog, diffstat, diff)
[vcs] info: Restoring `ChangeLog' from `,,ChangeLog' ...
[vcs] error: Commit failed
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