>> "SIGOURE" == SIGOURE Benoit
<sigoure.benoit(a)lrde.epita.fr> writes:
Index: ChangeLog
from SIGOURE Benoit <sigoure.benoit(a)lrde.epita.fr>
Add meta-if at Expression level.
So basically, it is now possible to have a meta-if statement everywhere
we can find an Expression. /!\ NOTE: meta-if statements at Expression
level are restricted to one single expressions in the then-part and
else-part. eg:
if some-condition then
is *invalid* at Expression level because neither the base language
nor the extended language provide real statements/sequences of
Other improvements: PRISM-If statements (cond ?
then-part : else-part)
are now evaluated by prism-desugar when possible. It is also possible
to reduce the condition of a meta-if statement down to a simple
Int(_) or Double(_). If that Int(_) or Double(_) is zero, the
condition will evaluate as False() otherwise True() [like in C].
NOTE: for Double(_) all tests are performed with a precision of 10^-7
in other words if 0.000000001 then ... else /*executed*/ end will be
This is nice!