Index: ChangeLog
from Nicolas Pouillard <ertai(a)>
Split the binary and adapt.
* vcs/bin/vcs: Split in three parts.
* vcs/lib/vcs/app.rb: New. VcsApp is the class for the vcs binary.
* vcs/lib/vcs/environment.rb: New. Handle environment variables.
* vcs/lib/vcs/opt_parse.rb: New. The option parser.
* vcs/bin/vcs-svn, vcs/bin/vcs-prcs, vcs/bin/vcs-cvs:
Simplify: remove a useless `exec'.
bin/vcs | 167 +------------------------------------------------
bin/vcs-cvs | 13 +--
bin/vcs-prcs | 13 +--
bin/vcs-svn | 13 +--
lib/vcs/app.rb | 114 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
lib/vcs/environment.rb | 58 +++++++++++++++++
lib/vcs/opt_parse.rb | 77 ++++++++++++++++++++++
7 files changed, 273 insertions(+), 182 deletions(-)
Index: vcs/bin/vcs
--- vcs/bin/vcs (revision 227)
+++ vcs/bin/vcs (working copy)
@@ -1,164 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Author:: Nicolas Pouillard <ertai(a)>fr>.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2004 LRDE. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 LRDE. All rights reserved.
# License:: GNU General Public License (GPL).
+# Revision:: $Id: header 98 2004-09-29 12:07:43Z ertai $
-# $LastChangedBy: ertai $
-# $Id: header 98 2004-09-29 12:07:43Z ertai $
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib', 'vcs',
'app') unless defined? VcsApp
-# vcs: The version control system wrapper.
-# Vcs is a wrapper over any version control system.
-require 'pathname'
-require 'logger'
-require 'optparse'
-require 'set'
-VCS_VERSION = '0.3.0'
-LIB = VCS_DIR + '..' + 'lib'
-$: << LIB.to_s
-dir = Pathname.pwd
-while not dir.root? and not (vcs_dir = dir + 'vcs').exist?
- dir = dir + '..'
-$: << vcs_dir
-LOG =
-if severity = ENV['VCS_SEVERITY']
- LOG.level = Logger.const_get(severity.upcase)
- LOG.level = Logger::INFO
-def LOG.format_message(severity, timestamp, msg, progname)
- progname += ': ' unless progname.nil? or progname.empty?
- "#{VCS}: #{progname}#{severity.downcase}: #{msg}\n"
-Pathname.glob("{#{LIB}/**,#{vcs_dir}}/*.rb") do |file|
- LOG.debug { file.basename.to_s }
- begin
- require "vcs/#{file.basename}"
- rescue LoadError
- begin
- require file.to_s
- rescue LoadError => ex
- raise ex
- end
- end
-ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |aClass|
- if aClass != Vcs and aClass.ancestors.include? Vcs
- name = aClass.to_s.to_sym
- ALL_VCS_NAMES << name
- ALL_VCS_BY_NAME[name] = aClass
- end
-OPTS = do |opts|
- opts.banner = "Usage: #{VCS} [options] <file>*"
- opts.separator ''
- opts.on('-c', '--vcs TYPE', ALL_VCS_NAMES, 'Set your vcs') do
- OPTIONS[:vcs_type] = aVcs
- end
- opts.on('-l', '--vcs-list', 'List all vcs') do |aVcs|
- STDERR.puts 'Vcs list:'
- ALL_VCS_NAMES.each { |n| STDERR.puts " - #{n}" }
- exit
- end
- opts.on('--mk-alias', 'Put the result of this command in your .zshrc or
.bashrc') do
- ALL_VCS_NAMES.each do |n|
- n = n.to_s.downcase
- if VCS_PATH.executable?
- puts "alias #{n}=#{VCS_PATH}-#{n} ;"
- else
- puts "alias #{n}=vcs-#{n} ;"
- end
- end
- exit
- end
- opts.on('-C', '--[no-]check', 'Check your vcs configuration')
do |check|
- if check
- exit
- end
- end
- opts.on('-d', '--debug LEVEL', 'Set debug level') do
- LOG.level = Logger.const_get(severity.upcase)
- end
- opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do |test|
- STDERR.puts "\n\nReport bugs to <ertai(a)>."
- exit
- end
- opts.on_tail('--version', 'Show version') do
- STDOUT.puts "Vcs version: #{VCS_VERSION}"
- exit
- end
-ENV['LC_ALL'] = 'C'
-if ENV.has_key? 'FULLNAME'
- require 'etc'
- ENV['FULLNAME'] = (Etc.getpwnam ENV['USER']).gecos
- LOG.warn "Need FULLNAME in the environement (default:
-if env.all? { |s| ENV[s] }
- EDITOR = ENV['EDITOR'].to_cmd
- PAGER = ENV['PAGER'].to_cmd
- env.each { |s| LOG.error "Need #{s} in the environement" unless ENV[s] }
- exit
-def main
- vcs = nil
- begin
- OPTS.parse!(ARGV)
- unless OPTIONS.has_key? :vcs_type
- STDERR.puts "\nSpecify at least a Vcs type, or use a wrapped command\n"
- 'like svn, cvs, prcs in the vcs bin directory.'
- exit
- end
- vcs = ALL_VCS_BY_NAME[OPTIONS[:vcs_type]].new
- if ARGV.empty?
- meth = :help!
- else
- meth = ARGV.shift.sub(/([^!])$/, '\1!')
- end
- vcs.send(meth, *ARGV)
- rescue Exception
- vcs.call_handlers unless vcs.nil?
- LOG.debug { raise }
- LOG.error $!.to_s.sub(/\.$/, '') unless $!.to_s == 'exit'
- end
Index: vcs/lib/vcs/app.rb
--- vcs/lib/vcs/app.rb (revision 0)
+++ vcs/lib/vcs/app.rb (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2005 LRDE. All rights reserved.
+# Author:: Nicolas Pouillard <ertai(a)>fr>.
+# License:: Gnu General Public License.
+# Revision:: $Id$
+require 'pathname'
+require 'logger'
+LOG =
+if severity = ENV['VCS_SEVERITY']
+ LOG.level = Logger.const_get(severity.upcase)
+ LOG.level = Logger::INFO
+def LOG.format_message(severity, timestamp, msg, progname)
+ progname += ': ' unless progname.nil? or progname.empty?
+ "vcs: #{progname}#{severity.downcase}: #{msg}\n"
+# vcs: The version control system wrapper.
+# Vcs is a wrapper over any version control system.
+class VcsApp
+ @@vcs =
+ @@dir = @@vcs.parent
+ require @@vcs + 'vcs' unless defined? Vcs
+ @@dir.load_path!
+ cattr_accessor :all_vcs
+ cattr_accessor :by_name
+ cattr_accessor :dir
+ cattr_accessor :path
+ dir = Pathname.pwd
+ while not dir.root? and not (vcs_dir = dir + 'vcs').exist?
+ dir = dir + '..'
+ end
+ vcs_dir = vcs_dir.expand_path
+ vcs_dir.load_path!
+ HOME = ENV['HOME'].to_path
+ vcs_user_conf = HOME/'.vcsrc'
+ if vcs_user_conf.exist?
+ Vcs.user_conf =
+ end
+ Pathname.glob("{#{@@vcs},#{vcs_dir}}/*.rb") do |file|
+ next if file.to_s =~ /\/(app|opt_parse|vcs)\.rb$/
+ LOG.debug { file.basename.to_s }
+ # begin
+ # require "vcs/#{file.basename}"
+ # p "eheho"
+ # rescue LoadError
+ # begin
+ require file.to_s
+ # rescue LoadError => ex
+ # raise ex
+ # end
+ # end
+ end
+ @@all_vcs ||= []
+ @@by_name ||= {}
+ if @@all_vcs.empty?
+ ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |aClass|
+ if aClass != Vcs and aClass.ancestors.include? Vcs
+ name = aClass.to_s.to_sym
+ @@all_vcs << name
+ @@by_name[name.to_s.downcase] = aClass
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ require 'vcs/opt_parse'
+ @@parser =
+ def initialize ( __file__, vcs_type=nil )
+ @@path = __file__
+ Vcs.default ||= vcs_type
+ end
+ def run
+ vcs = nil
+ begin
+ @@parser.parse! ARGV
+ if Vcs.default.nil?
+ STDERR.puts @@parser
+ STDERR.puts "\nSpecify at least a Vcs type, or use a wrapped command\n"
+ 'like svn, cvs, prcs in the vcs bin directory.'
+ exit
+ end
+ vcs = @@by_name[Vcs.default.to_s.downcase].new
+ if ARGV.empty?
+ meth = :help!
+ else
+ meth = ARGV.shift.sub(/([^!])$/, '\1!')
+ end
+ vcs.send(meth, *ARGV)
+ rescue Exception
+ vcs.call_handlers unless vcs.nil?
+ LOG.debug { raise }
+ LOG.error $!.to_s.sub(/\.$/, '') unless $!.to_s == 'exit'
+ end
+ end
+end # class VcsApp
Property changes on: vcs/lib/vcs/app.rb
Name: svn:keywords
+ Id
Index: vcs/lib/vcs/environment.rb
--- vcs/lib/vcs/environment.rb (revision 0)
+++ vcs/lib/vcs/environment.rb (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2005 LRDE. All rights reserved.
+# Author:: Nicolas Pouillard <ertai(a)>fr>.
+# License:: Gnu General Public License.
+# Revision:: $Id$
+class Vcs
+ class << self
+ def fullname
+ env('FULLNAME') { Etc.getpwnam(user).gecos }
+ end
+ def editor
+ env('EDITOR').to_cmd
+ end
+ def pager
+ env('PAGER').to_cmd
+ end
+ def full_email
+ "#{fullname} <#{email}>"
+ end
+ def method_missing ( meth )
+ env meth.to_s.upcase
+ end
+ @@vars ||= {}
+ @@env_status ||= true
+ def env ( name, &block )
+ return @@vars[name] if @@vars.has_key? name
+ @@vars[name] =
+ if var = ENV[name]
+ var
+ elsif block.nil?
+ LOG.error "Need #{name} in the environement"
+ @@env_status = false
+ "!!! #{name} not set !!!"
+ else
+ default = block[]
+ LOG.warn "Need #{name} in the environement (default: #{default})"
+ default
+ end
+ end
+ def check_env
+ %w[ email fullname editor pager ].each { |m| send(m) }
+ end
+ end # class << self
+ add_conf_checker :check_env
+end # class Vcs
Property changes on: vcs/lib/vcs/environment.rb
Name: svn:keywords
+ Id
Index: vcs/bin/vcs-cvs
--- vcs/bin/vcs-cvs (revision 227)
+++ vcs/bin/vcs-cvs (working copy)
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Author: Nicolas Pouillard <ertai(a)>fr>.
-# Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004 LRDE. All rights reserved.
-# License: GNU General Public License (GPL).
+# Author:: Nicolas Pouillard <ertai(a)>fr>.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2004 LRDE. All rights reserved.
+# License:: GNU General Public License (GPL).
+# Revision:: $Id: header 98 2004-09-29 12:07:43Z ertai $
-# $LastChangedBy: ertai $
-# $Id: header 98 2004-09-29 12:07:43Z ertai $
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib', 'vcs',
'app') unless defined? VcsApp
-exec("vcs --vcs #{VCS} -- '#{ARGV.join(%q[' '])}'"), :cvs).run
Index: vcs/bin/vcs-prcs
--- vcs/bin/vcs-prcs (revision 227)
+++ vcs/bin/vcs-prcs (working copy)
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Author: Nicolas Pouillard <ertai(a)>fr>.
-# Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004 LRDE. All rights reserved.
-# License: GNU General Public License (GPL).
+# Author:: Nicolas Pouillard <ertai(a)>fr>.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2004 LRDE. All rights reserved.
+# License:: GNU General Public License (GPL).
+# Revision:: $Id$
-# $LastChangedBy: ertai $
-# $Id: header 98 2004-09-29 12:07:43Z ertai $
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib', 'vcs',
'app') unless defined? VcsApp
-exec('vcs', '--vcs', VCS, '--', *ARGV), :prcs).run
Index: vcs/bin/vcs-svn
--- vcs/bin/vcs-svn (revision 227)
+++ vcs/bin/vcs-svn (working copy)
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Author: Nicolas Pouillard <ertai(a)>fr>.
-# Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004 LRDE. All rights reserved.
-# License: GNU General Public License (GPL).
+# Author:: Nicolas Pouillard <ertai(a)>fr>.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2004 LRDE. All rights reserved.
+# License:: GNU General Public License (GPL).
+# Revision:: $Id$
-# $LastChangedBy: ertai $
-# $Id: header 98 2004-09-29 12:07:43Z ertai $
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib', 'vcs',
'app') unless defined? VcsApp
-exec('vcs', '--vcs', VCS, '--', *ARGV), :svn).run
Index: vcs/lib/vcs/opt_parse.rb
--- vcs/lib/vcs/opt_parse.rb (revision 0)
+++ vcs/lib/vcs/opt_parse.rb (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Author:: Nicolas Pouillard <ertai(a)>fr>.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2005 LRDE. All rights reserved.
+# License:: GNU General Public License (GPL).
+# Revision:: $Id$
+class Vcs
+ class OptParse
+ def initialize
+ @option_parser = @@option_parser.dup
+ end
+ def parse! ( argv )
+ @option_parser.parse! argv
+ end
+ def parse ( argv )
+ @option_parser.parse argv
+ end
+ @@option_parser = do |o|
+ o.banner = "Usage: vcs [options] <file>*"
+ o.separator ''
+ o.on('-c', '--vcs TYPE', VcsApp.all_vcs, 'Set your vcs') do
+ p aVcs
+ Vcs.default = aVcs
+ end
+ o.on('-l', '--vcs-list', 'List all vcs') do |aVcs|
+ STDERR.puts 'Vcs list:'
+ VcsApp.all_vcs.each { |n| STDERR.puts " - #{n}" }
+ exit
+ end
+ o.on('--mk-alias', 'Put the result of this command in your .zshrc or
.bashrc') do
+ VcsApp.all_vcs.each do |n|
+ n = n.to_s.downcase
+ if VcsApp.path.executable?
+ puts "alias #{n}=#{VcsApp.path}-#{n} ;"
+ else
+ puts "alias #{n}=vcs-#{n} ;"
+ end
+ end
+ exit
+ end
+ o.on('-C', '--[no-]check', 'Check your vcs configuration')
do |check|
+ if check
+ exit
+ end
+ end
+ o.on('-d', '--debug LEVEL', 'Set debug level') do
+ LOG.level = Logger.const_get(severity.upcase)
+ end
+ o.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do |test|
+ STDERR.puts o
+ STDERR.puts "\n\nReport bugs to <ertai(a)>."
+ exit
+ end
+ o.on_tail('--version', 'Show version') do
+ STDOUT.puts "Vcs version: #{Vcs.version}"
+ exit
+ end
+ end
+ end # class OptParse
+end # class Vcs
Property changes on: vcs/lib/vcs/opt_parse.rb
Name: svn:keywords
+ Id