Index: ChangeLog
from Nicolas Pouillard <ertai(a)>
* vcs/src/rcs.rb: Rename to ...
* vcs/src/vcs.rb: ... this.
* vcs/bin/rcsw: Rename to ...
* vcs/bin/vcs: ... this.
Index: vcs/src/rcs.rb
--- vcs/src/rcs.rb (revision 117)
+++ vcs/src/rcs.rb (working copy)
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Nicolas Pouillard <ertai(a)>fr>.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2004 LRDE. All rights reserved.
-# License:: GNU General Public License (GPL).
-# $LastChangedBy: ertai $
-# $Id: header 98 2004-09-29 12:07:43Z ertai $
-class Class # :nodoc:
- def add_basic_method ( meth )
- class_eval <<-end_eval
- def #{meth} ( *args )
- run("#{meth}", *args)
- end
- def #{meth}_ ( *args )
- run("#{meth}", *args)
- end
- end_eval
- end
- def add_basic_method! ( meth )
- class_eval <<-end_eval
- def #{meth}! ( *args )
- run!("#{meth}", *args)
- end
- def #{meth}_! ( *args )
- run!("#{meth}", *args)
- end
- end_eval
- end
- def alias_command ( m1, m2 )
- class_eval <<-end_eval
- def #{m1} ( *args )
- #{m2}(*args)
- end
- def #{m1}_ ( *args )
- #{m2}_(*args)
- end
- def #{m1}! ( *args )
- #{m2}!(*args)
- end
- def #{m1}_! ( *args )
- #{m2}_!(*args)
- end
- end_eval
- end
-end # class Class
-# The abstract class for a Vcs wrapper.
-# Conventions:
-# example:
-# svn checkout # normal command
-# xrcs checkout # normal
-# checkout
-# checkout_
-# checkout!
-# checkout_!
-class Vcs
- class Failure < Exception
- end
- def initialize ( aCmd )
- @cmd = aCmd
- end
- def common_run ( args )
- cmd = @cmd + ' ' + args.join(' ')
- STDERR.debug "running: #{cmd}" if $debug > 1
- cmd
- end
- private :common_run
- def run ( *args )
- IO.popen(common_run(args))
- end
- def run! ( *args )
- system(common_run(args))
- end
- %w[ checkout delete diff help status log add update ].each do |m|
- add_basic_method(m)
- end
- add_basic_method!(:commit)
- def method_missing ( meth, *args )
- meth = meth.to_s
- if meth =~ /^(.*)!$/
- if respond_to? $1
- send($1, *args).each do |line|
- puts line
- end
- else
- STDERR.warn "unknown method #{meth}"
- run!($1.sub(/_$/, ''), *args)
- end
- else
- STDERR.warn "unknown method #{meth}"
- run(meth.sub(/_$/, ''), *args)
- end
- end
- alias_command :ann, :blame
- alias_command :annotate, :blame
- alias_command :praise, :blame
- alias_command :co, :checkout
- alias_command :ci, :commit
- alias_command :cp, :copy
- alias_command :del, :delete
- alias_command :remove, :delete
- alias_command :rm, :delete
- alias_command :di, :diff
- alias_command :h, :help
- alias_command :ls, :list
- alias_command :mv, :move
- alias_command :rename, :move
- alias_command :ren, :move
- alias_command :pdel, :propdel
- alias_command :pd, :propdel
- alias_command :pedit, :propedit
- alias_command :pe, :propedit
- alias_command :pget, :propget
- alias_command :pg, :propget
- alias_command :plist, :proplist
- alias_command :pl, :proplist
- alias_command :pset, :propset
- alias_command :ps, :propset
- alias_command :st, :status
- alias_command :stat, :status
- alias_command :sw, :switch
- alias_command :up, :update
- # Cvs Alias
- alias_command :new, :add
- alias_command :rcs, :admin
- alias_command :get, :checkout
- alias_command :rlog, :log
- alias_command :patch, :rdiff
- alias_command :remove, :delete
- alias_command :rm, :delete
- alias_command :rfreeze, :rtag
- alias_command :freeze, :tag
- # Prcs Alias
- alias_command :checkin, :commit
- alias_command :populate, :add
-end # class Vcs
Index: vcs/bin/rcsw
--- vcs/bin/rcsw (revision 117)
+++ vcs/bin/rcsw (working copy)
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Author:: Nicolas Pouillard <ertai(a)>fr>.
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2004 LRDE. All rights reserved.
-# License:: GNU General Public License (GPL).
-# $LastChangedBy: ertai $
-# $Id: header 98 2004-09-29 12:07:43Z ertai $
-# rcsw : The rcs wrapper.
-# rcsw is a wrapper over any revision control system.
-require 'pathname'
-SRC = VCS_DIR + '..' + 'src'
-$: << SRC
-if ARGV == ['--mk-alias']
- %w[ svn cvs prcs ].each { |x| puts "alias #{x}=#{VCS_PATH}" }
- exit
-$debug = ENV['VCS_DEBUG'].to_i
-if ENV.has_key? 'FULLNAME'
- require 'etc'
- FULLNAME = (Etc.getpwnam ENV['USER']).gecos
- STDERR.warn "Need FULLNAME in the environement (default: #{FULLNAME})"
-if FULLNAME.nil? or EMAIL.nil?
- STDERR.error 'Need FULLNAME and EMAIL in the environement'
- exit
-Pathname.glob(SRC + '*.rb') do |file|
- puts file.basename if $debug > 4
- require file.basename
-def guess_rcs
- if'CVS').directory?
- Cvs
- elsif'.svn').directory?
- Svn
- elsif'prj').exist?
- Prcs
- else
- raise ArgumentError, 'Can\'t guess your RCS system'
- end
-def main
- rcs = guess_rcs().new
- if ARGV.empty?
- meth = :help!
- else
- meth = ARGV.shift.sub(/([^!])$/, '\1!')
- end
- begin
- rcs.send(meth, *ARGV)
- rescue Exception
- raise if $debug > 0
- STDERR.error $!.to_s.sub(/\.$/, '') unless $!.to_s == 'exit'
- end
-if __FILE__ == $0
- main()