Of course, we're far from out of the woods yet - it IS just a proposal - and
ironically this makes me all the busier.
or 8192 bytes, even if there's more than that available and you've requested
I edit the photos in Photoshop, and if they go up online, I put them through ImageReady to
streamline them further. Tcl is used as an embedded element within larger systems - a
bedrock on which a potentially quite complex operation in a high tech industry is run.
Graham uses the technology he teaches by writing Internet-related programs.
Ah - a sane suggestion at last.
Do I follow the instruction to the letter and make a mess, or do what I think it was meant
to say. as well as operating systems they need to be taught on, or are familiar with.
Yesterday was very much a "write the story the way xxxx wants to see it" day -
here are three articles written by myself and Lisa in the last 24 hours.
When we opened a niche computer software training centre in our home, people thought we
were crazy. and people find this rather odd. You'll note I've 'awarded'
them a pretty high rate per hour and I suspect they would make just as much money.
Yesterday was very much a "write the story the way xxxx wants to see it" day -
here are three articles written by myself and Lisa in the last 24 hours.
Most of our advertising comes via the web.
This adds an automation of adding a Table of Contents and an Index, and auto-updating
chapter numbers, pages numbers, etc. When you download a MySQL server, it does come
bundled with the MySQL client program too . And another Mac projects the course manuals to
help them follow along in their books.