>> "SIGOURE" == SIGOURE Benoit
<sigoure.benoit(a)lrde.epita.fr> writes:
/!\ This commit has all the debugging messages left
in the source of
prism-desugar because it seems to trigger a bug in the Stratego
compiler. Therefore we'll be able to use this revision to investigate
the bug. Roughly, what happens is that a strategy such as:
a;b;c;...; (X <+ Y <+ Z ...)
is inlined and transformed (in C) as something like:
((a;b;c;...;X) <+ (a;b;c;...;Y) <+ (a;b;c;...;Z) <+ ...)
which is totally wrong if a;b;c;... has side effects (such as
defining dynamic rules)
So, do you confirm? How much time did this bug cost you?