Index: ChangeLog
from SIGOURE Benoit <sigoure.benoit(a)>
Add an internal documentation.
* src/str/xrm-front.str: Fix comments.
* doc/user-guide.txt: Add an internal documentation.
doc/user-guide.txt | 230 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
src/str/xrm-front.str | 4
2 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
Index: src/str/xrm-front.str
--- src/str/xrm-front.str (revision 87)
+++ src/str/xrm-front.str (working copy)
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
if must-parse-pctl then // output PCTL source
log-timed(xtc-transform(!"pp-pctl", pass-verbose)
| "pretty printed PCTL code", 2)
- else // output PRISM source
+ else // output PRISM source (default)
log-timed(xtc-transform(!"pp-prism", pass-verbose)
| "pretty printed PRISM code", 2)
- /* default: if we don't get inside the previous if, we will output
+ /* if we don't get inside the previous if, we will output
* binary ATerms. */
/** pipeline of transformations performed by xrm-front */
Index: doc/user-guide.txt
--- doc/user-guide.txt (revision 87)
+++ doc/user-guide.txt (working copy)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
The goal of eXtended Reactive Modules is to provide a comprehensive
solution to these problems by adding syntactic extensions to the PRISM
-language. XRM comes with a set of tools with enables the programmer to work
+language. XRM comes with a set of tools which enable the programmer to work
with the extended version of the PRISM language. The main tool, xrm-front,
will compile an XRM source file (written in the extended language) in a PRISM
source file (the base language, as used by the tools PRISM and APMC).
@@ -48,16 +48,18 @@
o OS with executable stack.
o ATerm 2.4.2 or newer.
o SDF2-Bundle 2.3.4 or newer.
+ o GNU make.
- Using Nix:
Nix is a package management system that ensures safe and complete
installation of packages.
You can get Nix from (pick up the
latest _unstable_ release).
+ /!\ Download nix-X.YYpreZZZZ not nixpkgs-X.YYpreZZZZ.
Once Nix is installed, use the following commands (you might need to be
root depending on how you installed nix):
$ nix-channel --add
- $ nix-env -u '*'
+ $ nix-channel --update
$ nix-env --install aterm sdf2-bundle strategoxt
There you are!
Add the following line to your .bashrc/.zshrc:
@@ -137,7 +139,7 @@
copy is available in the prism/ directory).
The XRM language is 100% PRISM compliant and only offers extension to the
- language.
+ base language.
Many people used to overcome the limitations of the PRISM language by
generating PRISM code using scripts (Shell scripts, M4 scripts, etc...).
@@ -451,7 +453,7 @@
// XPCTL code here
If you use property sections, you will need to pass an additional argument
- to xrm-front to specify the PCTL property file where the options must be
+ to xrm-front to specify the PCTL property file where the properties must be
saved. The option switch is --p-output f or -po f (where `f' is a path).
However, this option is not mandatory. If you specify property sections but
omit this switch, xrm-front will discard the properties and issue a warning
@@ -536,14 +538,224 @@
# General design
- // FIXME
+ This sections explains the general design used when developing XRM.
+ The sources are located under the src/ folder. They are divided in 5
+ sections:
+ * src/lib: Contains strategies/code exported in libraries linked with
+ the tools. In fact (at this time) XRM doesn't use any
+ library but the code under this path should be exported
+ through shared and static libraries.
+ * src/lib/native: Contains C code used by Stratego code (with `prim').
+ Actually this code features several extensions used to
+ manipulate float values in Stratego. This was implemented in
+ C because it wasn't available in stratego-lib and because
+ doing the same work would be a pain in C.
+ This code also provide a random number generator.
+ * src/lib/<lang>/pp: Where <lang> is {pctl,prism,xpctl,xrm}. Contains
+ the pretty-printing strategies used by the pretty printers.
+ These strategies are meant to be available in libraries but
+ at this time they are simply imported by the
+ pretty-printers. Exporting them in libraries would reduce
+ compilation time. They should rather be exported in static
+ libraries (if possible) because dynamic libraries have
+ inconvenient: the .so must be installed and available in
+ the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or must be installed in standard
+ paths). Installing one dynamic library per pretty-printer
+ does not seem quite attractive.
+ * src/sig: Contains nothing. This is where signatures for the 4
+ languages (pctl, prism, xpctl, xrm) will be generated (under
+ the build dir)
+ * src/str: Contains the Stratego code used by xrm-front.
+ * src/syn/<lang>: Contains the SDF grammar of the language <lang>.
+ grammar has Stratego embeddings (for concrete syntax)
+ defined in Stratego<LANG>.sdf and optionally
+ <LANG>-MetaCongruences.sdf and <LANG>-MetaVars.sdf.
+ Renamed version of each grammar are generated during the
+ build so that the grammars can easily be assimilated within
+ other host languages later on.
+ * src/tools: Contains Stratego sources for the pretty-printers and
+ parsers (which are registered as XTC components).
o The build system
- o How the tools (parsers, pretty printers...) are made, XTC
+ ----------------
+ XRM use the autotools to set up the build system. It also uses the
+ Makefile provided by autoxt and Transformers' Makefile. The configure
+ script tries to guess the correct value for PKG_CONFIG_PATH if it is
+ not provided by looking for common locations where Stratego/XT is
+ installed by Nix. Many GNU make extensions are used by the Makefiles.
+ Parallel builds work and are encouraged.
+ o Creating tools with XTC
+ -----------------------
+ XRM uses XTC-registered components. For the documentation of XTC see
+ the chapters 28 and 29 of the Stratego/XT manual
+ Basically, XTC components are simply applications or files which are
+ registered by a program called `xtc'. This program creates a file where
+ registered components are listed (the repository). When a component is
+ registered in the repository, its name, version and path are saved.
+ This is useful so that you can develop tiny applications and call them
+ one after the other in a pipeline. Calling them from Stratego is made
+ easy because the Stratego programs know where the XTC repository is and
+ it can query that repository to find the auxiliary tools it needs. For
+ instance one could register ls, grep and wc in an XTC repository. Then
+ one could invoke them from a Stratego program one after the other in
+ order to simulate the command `ls -l | grep rwx | wc -l` for instance.
+ Note that XTC repositories are in fact ATerms and you can display them
+ with pp-aterm.
+ For instance this is used by parsers which need to invoke sglr with the
+ correct parse table in argument. The parse table is generated somewhere
+ and is registered in the XTC repository. The parser looks up the
+ location of the parse table through the repository and then invoke sglr
+ with the right path to the parse table.
+ However, this has a disadvantage: Invoking XTC components is quite
+ inefficient. This is because when you do this, the current term is
+ saved in a temporary file under /tmp. When the current term is quite
+ large this can produce files from several hundred mega-bytes up to
+ several giga-bytes. Then the XTC component you invoked is called with
+ that temporary file as input (-i) and another new temporary file as
+ output (-o). Once it has finished, the current processes reloads its
+ current term from the temporary file where the XTC component sent its
+ output. This leads to many i/o operations on disk which tend to be
+ quite slow. That's why XRM tries to avoid to use XTC for external
+ processes as much as possible. But since we still want to be modular,
+ instead of using XTC components, we use external libraries. At this
+ time XRM doesn't use libraries because it was easier to import the
+ libraries required than to export them through libraries which would
+ then be linked with the binary. However this makes the compilation time
+ longer. We should really consider exporting common things in external
+ libraries.
+ The --help and --about options are handled using tool-doc
+ The pretty-printers directly include the strategies they need (the
+ pretty-printing rules are written in Stratego under src/lib/<lang>/pp).
+ This enables them to be stand-alone, they can pretty-print without
+ using intermediate files. They also use libstratego-gpp which is quite
+ recent. This enables them to use abox-to-text without to call an
+ external XTC component and go through intermediate temporary files.
# xrm-front's pipeline
- // FIXME
+ In this section we will review the pipeline of xrm-front. We will explain
+ the different passes of the pipeline, how the dynamic rules are used and
+ how the transformations are performed.
+ Everything begins in src/str/xrm-front.str. The first thing performed by
+ xrm-front is to check whether the options it was invoked with are
+ consistent. For instance, if the user invokes xrm-front with the flags -b
+ (request output in binary ATerm format) and -P (request output in
+ pretty-printed ATerm format) the switch -P is ignored and a warning is
+ issued. In former version of xrm-front, there were more conflicting options.
+ Then xrm-front parses its input files with the correct parser. When the
+ switch -p (or --pctl) is provided, XRM must parse XPCTL source code whereas
+ it parses XRM source code by default. The parsing is performed by an
+ external XTC component. It would be useful to use library-based parser
+ instead to improve performances. Then the strategy xrm-front-pipeline is
+ invoked.
+ This where the transformations begin. The real pipeline can be found in
+ src/str/xrm-to-prism.str.
+ The first pass removes the XRM sugar. This is a simple innermost traversal
+ where basic transformations rules are applied to remove what is merely
+ simple syntactic sugar. We also use this pass to catch calls to the XRM
+ builtin rand in property files (which is not allowed). In XRM files, these
+ calls are simply replaced by a variable which will be the random variable.
+ At this time each random variable is controlled by a separate module
+ generated by xrm-front. This module is stored in a DR named RandGenModules.
+ The second pass collects static const declarations, formula (and
+ parameterized) declarations. For property files, the formulas are removed
+ when they are collected (because they are not allowed in standard property
+ files). Parameterized formulas are always removed once they are collected
+ because they do not exist in the base languages. These declarations are
+ collected in dynamic rules as follows:
+ * ExpandStaticConsts: id -> value
+ * ExpandFormulas: id -> value
+ * ExpandPFormulas: PFormulaCall(name, a*) -> e
+ this DR rewrites a call to the parameterized formula `name' (invoked
+ with the arguments `a*') to `e' which is the inlined version of the
+ formula `name' with its formal parameters replaced by the parameters
+ provided in `a*'.
+ The third pass of xrm-front is to check that meta-vars are used correctly.
+ The whole code is traversed using a hand-crafted traversal that collects
+ the declarations of meta-vars (using the appropriate scopes). For instance,
+ when the traversal enters a for loop, it registers the meta-var used to
+ iterate in the loop in a scoped DR. Several things must be evaluable down
+ to simple integers at compile time (such as array subscripts or the
+ `from' or `to' of a for loop for instance. Indeed if you can't evaluate
+ the latter at compile time, how can you unroll the loop if you don't know
+ how many iterations it has to go through?). Once we know what are the
+ meta-vars (as well as static consts, formulas etc.), we can easily check
+ whether an expression is evaluable as a literal value at compile time. If
+ the expression contains only literals and identifiers known to be evaluable
+ at compile time (such as static consts and meta-vars for instance) then the
+ expression itself is evaluable at compile time.
+ Then an important pass starts: the meta-code is evaluated (leading to code
+ generation). Once again, this pass uses a hand-made traversal and features:
+ evaluation of static ifs, lazy evaluation of operator `&' and operator `|'
+ (so that the user can rely on them to prevent invalid code from being
+ evaluated, eg: x > 0 && a[x] to prevent an invalid array access). For loops
+ are unrolled. Calls to parameterized are inlined. When a call to a
+ parameterized formula is inlined, we must re-start the pass on the code
+ inlined.
+ The fifth pass consists of removal of array declarations, evaluation of
+ calls to the XRM builtin static_rand and collection of non-array local
+ variable declarations. This is 3 different things but they
+ are combined together to reduce the number of traversals. Array
+ declarations are rewritten as declarations of lists of variables. xrm-front
+ ensures that array declarations are not overlapping with each other.
+ Each array declaration is recorded in the DR DeclaredArrays which maps an
+ Identifier(idf) -> aa-list where `aa-list' is the list of array subscript
+ declared for that array. When an array is declared in multiple parts, each
+ part is added in the same entry of DeclaredArrays (we first fetch the parts
+ previously declared, check that they don't overlap with the parts being
+ declared, and if they don't, we concatenate them and save them back in the
+ DR). This part of the code might be a bit hard to read because an abstract
+ factory is used to build declaration lists resulting of array declarations
+ and this is a bit hard to follow. Hopefully the numerous comments in the
+ file will help the reader to understand how the rewriting is performed.
+ Non-array declarations are also collected in a DR named DeclaredIdentifers
+ which maps an identifier to some information about it (such as its type,
+ its definition range, its initial value). These information are gathered
+ for the type-checking pass. Note that type information of variables
+ declared in arrays are not yet gathered.
+ So now, array declarations have been rewritten as declaration lists. This
+ introduces several unwanted nested lists in the AST which are then removed
+ using `flatten-list'.
+ Then comes the type-checking pass. At this time, this pass is quite basic
+ and only checks that array subscripts do not lead to out of bound array
+ accesses. We can easily do this thanks to the DR DeclaredArrays which maps
+ an identifier to the dimensions declared for that array. The pass also
+ ensures that all array accesses are made on declared arrays.
+ Then, we paste the module generated by the calls to the rand builtin
+ (which were saved in the DR RandGenModules) at the end of the file.
+ Now we can remove all array accesses. This is done by flattening them, eg
+ x[1][2][3] is rewritten as x_1_2_3. For property files, we also use this
+ pass to expand all non-parameterized formulas since their expansions wasn't
+ forced by any previous pass. We must force the expansion of
+ non-parameterized formulas in property files because they are not allowed
+ in the base language.
+ In the end, we can now re-order the content of the modules. Indeed, in XRM
+ we allow the declarations and commands to be freely intertwined whereas in
+ PRISM declarations must always come before the commands. This is done
+ using a scoped DR. We traverse all the Modules and collect declarations and
+ commands in DRs (respectively CommandList and DeclarationList). Once we
+ have them all we can easily re-construct the module with the declarations
+ first, followed by the commands.
+ The resulting AST is further desugared if the -D | --desugar switch was
+ provided, then it is pretty-printed in the format required by the command
+ line (default: PRISM code).