Bugs item #11, was opened at 09/05/2004 15:58
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Category: Olena
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 1
Submitted By: Niels van Vliet (van-vl_n)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: Type problems in the morphers
Initial Comment:
Some type problems where repported during the developpement of the morphers.
Here are two examples:
- the generic morpher inherits from a concrete class;
- due to code factorisation, some morphers are not strongly typed.
An example is the subqmorpher, that only work on vectorial image,
but that is build using an abstract::image (and not an
I started to correcte these problems, but I needed to make some changes
in the generic morpher, and I was affraid to break something.
We (at leaste Damien, Simon and me) should solve these problems after the
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