Le prochain séminaire de l'équipe Automates & Applications aura
lieu aujourd'hui à 15h, en mode hybride (KB204 en présentiel). L'orateur sera
Jérémy Dubut, les détails de son talk sont à retrouver ci-dessous :
* Monday 26 February, 15:00 at EPITA KB 204<> and
online (link at when available)
* Speaker: Jérémy
Dubut-Kross<>m/>, National Institute of
Advanced Science and Technology, Tokyo
* Title: Fixed-Point Theorems for Non-Transitive Relations
* We develop an Isabelle/HOL library of order-theoretic fixed-point theorems. We keep
our formalization as general as possible: we reprove several well-known results about
complete orders, often with only antisymmetry or attractivity, a mild condition implied by
either antisymmetry or transitivity. In particular, we generalize various theorems
ensuring the existence of a quasi-fixed point of monotone maps over complete relations,
and show that the set of (quasi-)fixed points is itself complete. This result generalizes
and strengthens theorems of Knaster-Tarski, Bourbaki-Witt, Kleene, Markowsky, Pataraia,
Mashburn, Bhatta-George, and Stouti-Maaden. Joint work with Akihisa Yamada.
Bonne journée,
Daniel STAN
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