Title and corresponding authors:
"Combining Parallel Emptiness Checks with Partial Order Reductions"
Denis Poitrenaud (1,2) and Etienne Renault (3)
(1) Sorbonne Université, CNRS, LIP6, F-75005 Paris, France
(2) Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France
(3) LRDE, Epita, Paris, France
In explicit state model checking of concurrent systems, multicore emptiness checks and partial order reductions (POR) are two major techniques to handle large state spaces. The first one tries to take advantage of multi-core architectures while the second one may decrease exponentially the size of the state space to explore. For checking LTL properties, Bloemen and van de Pol [2] shown that the best performance is currently obtained using their multi-core SCC-based emptiness check. However, combining the latest SCC-based algorithm with POR is not trivial since a condition on cycles, the proviso, must be enforced on an algorithm which processes collaboratively cycles. In this paper, we suggest a pessimistic approach to tackle this problem for liveness properties. For safety ones, we propose an algorithm which takes benefit from the information computed by the SCC-based algorithm. We also present new parallel provisos for both safety and liveness prop- erties that relies on other multi-core emptiness checks. We observe that all presented algorithms maintain good reductions and scalability.