ELS'14 - 7th European Lisp Symposium
IRCAM, Paris, France
May 5-6, 2014
The purpose of the European Lisp Symposium is to provide a forum for
the discussion and dissemination of all aspects of design,
implementation and application of any of the Lisp and Lisp-inspired
dialects, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Emacs Lisp, AutoLisp, ISLISP,
Dylan, Clojure, ACL2, ECMAScript, Racket, SKILL, Hop and so on. We
encourage everyone interested in Lisp to participate.
The 7th European Lisp Symposium invites high quality papers about
novel research results, insights and lessons learned from practical
applications, and educational perspectives. We also encourage
submissions about known ideas as long as they are presented in a new
setting and/or in a highly elegant way.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Context-, aspect-, domain-oriented and generative programming
- Macro-, reflective-, meta- and/or rule-based development approaches
- Language design and implementation
- Language integration, inter-operation and deployment
- Development methodologies, support and environments
- Educational approaches and perspectives
- Experience reports and case studies
Please note that IRCAM, the conference venue, is a French institute
for research on music and acoustics. Submissions relating Lisp to
music or other acoustical matters will hence be particularly welcome,
although given no heightened favor during the review process.
We invite submissions in the following forms:
Papers: Technical papers of up to 8 pages that describe original
results or explain known ideas in new and elegant ways.
Demonstrations: Abstracts of up to 2 pages for demonstrations of
tools, libraries, and applications.
Tutorials: Abstracts of up to 4 pages for in-depth presentations about
topics of special interest for at least 90 minutes and up to 180
The symposium will also provide slots for lightning talks, to be
registered on-site every day.
All submissions should be formatted following the ACM SIGS guidelines
and include ACM classification categories and terms. For more
information on the submission guidelines and the ACM keywords, see:
http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates and
Important dates:
- TODAY: Mark your calendar. Start planning now!
- 09 Mar 2014: Submission deadline
- 31 Mar 2014: Notification of acceptance
- 21 Apr 2014: Final Papers due
- 05 May 2014: Symposium. Join us there!
Program Committee:
Kent Pitman, Hypermeta Inc., U.S.A.
Local Organizers:
Didier Verna, EPITA Research Lab, France
Gérard Assayag, IRCAM, France
To be announced later
Search Keywords:
#els2014, ELS 2014, ELS '14, European Lisp Symposium 2014,
European Lisp Symposium '14, 7th ELS, 7th European Lisp Symposium,
European Lisp Conference 2014, European Lisp Conference '14
Resistance is futile. You will be jazzimilated.
Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: http://www.didierverna.info
Bonjour à tous,
J'ai le plaisir de vous inviter à ma soutenance de thèse intitulée
``Tree-Based Shape Spaces: Definition and Applications in Image
Processing and Computer Vision''.
Celle-ci aura lieu le*12 Décembre 2013* à 14h00 dans l'amphithéâtre 260
de l'ESIEE Paris, située au 2, boulevard Blaise Pascal, Cité
Descartes, à Noisy-le-Grand (93). Vous trouverez un plan d'accès à
l'école à l'adresse suivante :
La soutenance sera suivie d'un pot.
Composition du jury de thèse
Rapporteurs :
Philippe Salembier (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Lionel Moisan (Université Paris Descartes)
Examinateurs :
Jean Serra (ESIEE Paris)
Coloma Ballester (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Michael H.F. Wilkinson (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
Beatriz Marcotegui (Mines ParisTech)
Pascal Monasse (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)
Directeurs de thèse :
Laurent Najman (ESIEE Paris - Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée)
Thierry Géraud (EPITA)
Résumé de la thèse
This PhD work presents a versatile framework dealing with tree-based
image representations. Those representations have been proved to be
very useful in a large number of applications. Notably, in
mathematical morphology, those representations form the basis for
efficient implementation of connected operators.
Connected operators are filtering tools that act by merging some
elementary regions of an image. A popular filtering strategy relies
on (1) building a tree representation of the image; (2) computing a
shape-based attribute on each node of the tree; and (3) removing the
nodes for which the attribute is too low. This operation can be seen
as a thresholding of the tree, seen as a graph whose nodes are
weighted by the attribute function.
Rather than being satisfied with a mere thresholding, we propose to
expand on this idea. We define the notion of tree-based shape spaces
as seeing a tree as a graph whose neighbourhood is given by the
parenthood relationship. Then we apply some connected filters on such
shape spaces. This simple processing, that we call "shape-based
morphology", has several deep consequences. Firstly, it is a
generalization of the existing tree-based connected
operators. Besides, it allows us to propose two new classes of
connected operators: shape-based lower/upper levelings and
shapings. Secondly, this framework can be used for object
detection/segmentation by selecting relevant nodes in the shape space.
Last, we can also apply this framework for transforming hierarchies
using extinction values, so that we obtain some hierarchical image
simplification and segmentation methods.
We have developed several applications using this framework.
- A first one is a truly contrast invariant local feature detection
method called Tree-Based Morse Regions (TBMR), which can be seen as a
variant of MSER with better performances.
- Some applications to retinal image analysis (including blood vessel
segmentation and optic nerve head segmentation) have been developed
using shape-based lower/upper levelings.
- We have also proposed an efficient image simplification
method by minimizing the Mumford-Shah functional, which belongs to the
shaping family.
- An object detection scheme have been developed by defining an
efficient context-based energy estimator.
- Last, we have proposed an extension of constrained connectivity
based on our novel hierarchy transforms.
Yongchao Xu
Yongchao XU Ph.D student
EPITA Research and Development Laboratory (LRDE)
Laboratoire d'informatique de l'Institut Gaspard Monge (LIGM)
Équipe Algorithmes, Architectures, Analyse et synthèse d'images (A3SI)
Université Paris Est, Marne-la-Vallée
Chers collègues,
La deuxième session du séminaire Performance et Généricité du LRDE
(Laboratoire de Recherche et Développement de l'EPITA) du mois de décembre aura lieu le
Mercredi 11 décembre 2013 (14h--15h30), Salle L0 du LRDE.
Au programme:
* 14h-15h30: A ``Diplomatic'' Parallel Algorithm for the Component Trees of High Dynamic Range Images
-- Michael Wilkinson --- Johann Bernoulli Institute, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Component trees are essential tools in several morphological processing
methods, such as attribute filtering, or visualization, or the
computation of topological watersheds. Algorithms for computation of
these trees fall into two main categories: (i) Flood-filling algorithms,
exemplified by the algorithms of Salembier et al (1998), Hesselink
(2003), and Wilkinson (2011), and (ii) Union-find methods, such as
Najman and Couprie (2006), and Berger et al (2007). As images become
larger, and parallel computers become commonplace, there is an increased
need for concurrent algorithms to compute these trees. The first such
algorithm was published by Wilkinson et al in 2008, and was based on the
divide-and-conquer principle. It splits up the data spatially, computes
local component trees using any arbitrary algorithm which yields a
union-find type representation of each node, and glues these together
hierarchically. The main drawback of this method is that it does not
work well on high-dynamic-range images, because the complexity of the
glueing phase scales linearly with the number of grey levels.
In the current work, carried out by Moschini, Meijster, and Wilkinson
within the HyperGAMMA project, we develop a new algorithm for floating
point or high-dynamic-range integer images. It works in a two-tier
process, in which we first compute a pilot component tree at low dynamic
range in parallel, with one grey level per processor using dynamic
quantization, and Salembier's flood-filling method to build the local
trees, and the previous parallellization scheme. After this, a
refinement stage is performed. This refinement stage is based on the
algorithm of Berger et al. As such, the new algorithm combines the two
main types of algorithm in a single framework.
Timings on images of up to 3.9 GPixel indicate a speed-up of up to 22 on
64 cores. The algorithm is more than 14x faster than the fastest
sequential algorithm on the same machine. We will apply the new
algorithm to astronomical data sets, including improvements to the
SExtractor tool for object detection. The importance of the new
algorithm extends beyond computation of component trees because it
allows development of a fast alpha-tree algorithm suitable for any
pixel-difference metric in case of vector images (i.e. not just
$L_\infty$-based metrics on low dynamic range colour images).
-- Michael Wilkinson obtained an MSc in astronomy from the Kapteyn
Laboratory, University of Groningen in 1993, after which he worked on
image analysis of intestinal bacteria at the Department of Medical
Microbiology, University of Groningen, obtaining a PhD at the Institute
of Mathematics and Computing Science, also in Groningen, in 1995. After
this he worked as a researcher at the Johann Bernoulli Institute for
Mathematics and Computer Science (JBI) both on computer simulations and
on image analysis of diatoms. He is currently senior lecturer at the
JBI, working on morphological image analysis and especially connected
morphology. Apart from publishing in many journals and conferences, he
edited the book ``Digital Image Analysis of Microbes'' (John Wiley, UK,
1998) with Frits Schut, and is member of the Steering Committee of ISMM.
Pour plus de renseignements, consultez http://seminaire.lrde.epita.fr/.
L'entrée du séminaire est libre. Merci de bien vouloir diffuser cette
information le plus largement possible.
Akim Demaille
Seminaire mailing list
Chers collègues,
La prochaine session du séminaire Performance et Généricité du LRDE
(Laboratoire de Recherche et Développement de l'EPITA) aura lieu le
mercredi 4 décembre 2013 (11h--12h), Salle L0 du LRDE.
Au programme :
* 11-12h: CPC: Une implémentation efficace de la concurrence par passage de continuations
-- Juliusz Chroboczek, Laboratoire PPS, Université Paris-Diderot (Paris 7)
CPC est une extension concurrente du langage C. Le code CPC, en style à
threads, est traduit par le compilateur CPC en un code à style à
événements; ce code peut ensuite être exécuté, au choix du programmeur,
par des threads natifs « lourds » ou par un ordonnanceur à événements
manipulant des structures de données extrêmement légères. Cette
technique d'implémentation induit un style de programmation original, où
les threads sont « gratuits ». Cependant, le programmeur peut choisir
d'utiliser des threads natifs « lourds » lorsque c'est nécessaire, par
exemple pour exploiter le parallélisme du matériel ou utiliser des
bibliothèques bloquantes.
La technique de compilation de CPC est basée sur des techniques
formalisées et bien connues de la communauté de la programmation
fonctionnelle, telles que la conversion en style à passage de
continuations (CPS), le lambda-lifting, ou l'introduction de fonctions
terminales. La correction de ces techniques a été prouvée formellement.
Dans cet exposé, je donnerai quelques exemples du style typique de
programmation en CPC tirées de Hekate, un seeder BitTorrent écrit en
CPC. Je décrirai ensuite la transformation en style à passage de
continuations et je décrirai la technique de traduction utilisée par le
compilateur CPC.
-- Juliusz Chroboczek est Maître de Conférences à l'Université
Paris-Diderot (Paris 7). Il travaille sur les implémentations efficaces
de la concurrence ainsi que sur la problématique du routage dans les
réseaux à commutation de paquets.
!! Attention : deuxième session en décembre avec un horaire différent (14h00 - 15h30) !!
Le mercredi 11 décembre 2013, nous accueillons Michael Wilkinson, Johann Bernoulli
Institute, University of Groningen, Pays-Bas, pour un exposé intitulé
"A “Diplomatic” Parallel Algorithm for the Component
Trees of High Dynamic Range Images".
Pour plus de renseignements, consultez http://seminaire.lrde.epita.fr/.
L'entrée du séminaire est libre. Merci de bien vouloir diffuser cette
information le plus largement possible.
Akim Demaille
Seminaire mailing list
Chers collègues,
Petit rappel, demain, mercredi 13 novembre 2013 aura lieu l'exposé de Dodji Seketeli, Red Hat, intitulé
"Address & Thread Sanitizer in GCC: Etat Actuel et Orientation Future" (11h--12h30), Salle Lα du LRDE.
En décembre, nous organisons deux séminaires :
* le mercredi 4 décembre 2013, 11h--12h, Salle L0 du LRDE, nous accueillons Juliusz Chroboczek, Laboratoire PPS,
Université Paris-Diderot (Paris 7) pour nous parler de "CPC: Une implémentation efficace de la concurrence par
passage de continuations"
* le mercredi 11 décembre 2013 (horaire à définir), nous invitons Michael Wilkinson, Johann Bernoulli Institute, University
of Groningen, Pays-Bas, pour nous faire un exposé intitulé "A “Diplomatic” Parallel Algorithm for the Component
Trees of High Dynamic Range Images".
Pour plus de renseignements, consultez http://seminaire.lrde.epita.fr/.
L'entrée du séminaire est libre. Merci de bien vouloir diffuser cette
information le plus largement possible.
Akim Demaille
Seminaire mailing list